This is a precious and awe-inspiring experience., My personal spiritual directors have been very good listeners. And it is! This is invaluable. But if you don't see a director listed in your immediate area, then consider that many of our spiritual directors offer their ministries across distance via Skype or phone. For thirteen years, I served as executive director of Puget Sound Christian Clinic, helping to provide free health care to low-income individuals and families. CERTIFIED SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. This advanced certificate is offered only in the summers and is completed over three summers. Mona Chicks CFDM NW Spiritual Formation Training Faculty Program Director: Rev. I teach Sustainable Faith's School of Spiritual Direction, am co-director of the Springs Retreat Center, and have a passion to help leaders identify the voice of God within them and to encourage a responsiveness to that voice. You will call it God, or Brahman, Buddha Nature, or many other names. Each student is required to have a personal spiritual practice to which one is committed. I gratefully acknowledge and incorporate the wisdom of my teachers/mentors Gerald May, Tilden Edwards, and Rosemary Dougherty, having been profoundly shaped by the ecumenical training environment they provided. Divine Mercy University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award masters and doctorate degrees. For the most part, I only work with leaders who have completed/are in the process of completing a Transforming Community experience. I can think of nothing more important than having the privilege of praying for and encouraging others in similar pursuit. He is part of the formation program for aspiring spiritual directors at Sacred Ground and at the Franciscan Center for Spirituality in Lacrosse Wisconsin. Companioning Pastors and church staff. In addition, during the course of studies, students are required to complete 30 sessions with an approved spiritual director. Identify the importance of the diversity of clients by attaining knowledge about character, cultures, lifestyles, and other elements that are dominant to a clients behaviour, in order to advise services that are sensitive to the client. My M.Div is from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and my D.Min in Spiritual Formation from Northern Seminary in partnership with the Transforming Center (TC6). "This is a spiritual director program that reaches into every fiber of a person, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. My passion is to help people break free from strongholds and defeated living. The Spiritual Guidance Mentor Training (SGMT) certificate was developed for individuals who wish to mentor and guide others on their Spiritual Path and/or learn more about themselves. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Many years ago, as part of my offerings as an executive coach, I developed a unique, strong process to clarify Values, Vision, Voice. Virginia Blass, D.Min., M.A., M.Ed., is an experienced and certified Spiritual Director, preacher, retreat master, and author. A spiritual director acts as a companion, listening for the movement of the Holy Spirit in a persons life. SDI is working on initiatives in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice spaces. SDIs desire is to provide an easy, inviting way for seekers to connect with a spiritual companion, to find a training program and/or a retreat center. Thats the part that makes leadership flourish. Formal education may NOT be substituted for the experience requirement. It gives you a sense of home, a place to belong, because you develop new relationships with people that you can call upon that you didnt have before, and it doesnt matter what they may call their higher power because the language is universal. A letter on official stationery from the applicants church and/or denomination and/or spiritual director indicating that they wish to recognize this person for responsibilities of spiritual direction. The Transforming Center is not a certifying body but rather a spiritual community that affirms the ministry of spiritual direction in the lives of leaders and seeks to help leaders explore options with spiritual directors in their areas. Listen a quarterly contemplative publication with a reflection on spiritual companionship, poetry, and art. What is Spiritual Direction and Companionship? Cultivating the Practices of Deep Listening and Spiritual Presence Across All Faith Traditions and Spiritual Orientations. My experience includes 35 years in the corporate world and leading small groups and coaching small group leaders in the church. I am an alum of TC8. Author of three Enneagram books, I am a trainer with The International Enneagram Association and have developed a credentialed program that trains/certifies Enneagram instructors in the Christian Tradition. The Transforming Center set me on a path of spiritual transformation, healing and growth that has helped me become a healthier Enneagram #2. I made a shift from an evangelical church to an Episcopa Church 10 years ago and have been moved and excited by a community that desires to know God and experience more. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I was a member of TC16. I recently retired from over 20 years as a pastor on staff at Chase Oaks Church in Plano, TX to begin a new ministry venture with my husband. I love living in the light of Psalm 139, which promises that we are wonderfully made. Helping people in their transformative journey. My formation as a spiritual director has taken a lifetime (really!). The cost of 30 spiritual direction sessions and 12 supervisor sessions are paid directly by the student and will cost from $50-$100 per session. Our Interfaith Spiritual Direction Certificate Program teaches a non-directive Interfaith approach. The applicant will be notified in writing concerning the decision of the Board of Examiners. Do you recommend for or against the candidates certification as a supervisor. I appreciated having someone to share my heart or insights with or to help me see things from a different angle., Opened a whole new world of joys and also of pain, My experience is that when we are able to quiet our nervous systems, clear our minds by sharing our joys and challenges and questions, and come to a place of center, wisdom and guidance come., Every time I offer spiritual direction I feel that I am standing on sacred ground. To earn a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Soul Shepherding, Inc. students will read 17 books and resources during their two-year program. I have facilitated Listen to my Life groups, have led retreats and serve as a Deacon in my local church. Each session will consist of a lecture and a practicum in the form of a role play or a case study. Married to Rick, I have two college age children. Encountering the richness of the broader Christian tradition in the midst of my own desire and disillusionment led me on a journey of reclaiming practices that spiritual seekers down through the ages have used to open themselves to Gods transforming work. Connie is enjoying the life transition of retirement. I am a Certified Forest Therapy Guide and have a Eco-Ministry Certification with Seminary of the Wild, helping people to find the Sacred in nature. Areas of interest or specialty: I have a heart for pastors, worship leaders, artists, and college administrators. Soul Shepherdings Spiritual Direction Training is where spiritual formation meets psychology. In 2005 I completed a spiritual direction internship in the Ignatian tradition at Loyola University in Chicago. The application and documentation will first be screened for eligibility for certification by an Evaluator, and then scrutinized by the CCPC Board of Examiners. We use cookies and non-personalized tracking information to help improve this site. Intake Form CEDAR RIDGE The certificate program is designed to identify your potential in becoming a spiritual director, to assist you in discerning a call to this ministry, to formulate a model of spiritual direction and chaplaincy and to develop the specific skills required to serve as a spiritual director. Do you feel called to a private practice providing personal, one-on-one spiritual direction or companionship? I believe the fundamental desire of God and man alike is to know and to be known. Many of them have agreed to offer free spiritual direction services to Reformed Church in America pastors from April to June 2020 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. I lead workshops and retreats of all types with the Enneagram in marriage, parenting, and relationships. And it continues The means of grace aboundloved ones, soul friends, intentional communities of transformation, contemplative practices, books, Scripture, formal training, spiritual direction, and more. Click here to view. I pastored PC(USA) congregations in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana for 37 years before stepping away from church ministry in the summer of 2022 to join the staff of Altar Fly Fishing. Marriage brought me back to Saskatoon where I continued campus ministry. Alumni Network Complete a minimum of 18 hours of in-class supervised peer/group supervision. Spiritual Direction Tom Elliott is a certified director who has been offering one-on-one spiritual direction for more than 20 years and can help you experience clarity, healing, and freedom in your deepening intimacy with God. Learn More For Those Seeking Connection Considering Life's Biggest Questions Learn More Ascending The Mountain Plan on 2 months time to prepare for the first course (administrative forms, student handbook, class reading and homework assignments). In my spare time, I love to read, walk, play racquet sports, dream with my wife and spend time with our children and grandchildren. I like the idea of talking and praying and encouraging one another on the path. I taught and mentored medical students, graduate students, and advanced high school students. Training courses are offered through eight weekend sessions held in April, August, and December over a period of three years. Abide by the ethical guidelines put forth by Spiritual Directors International. Admission Requirements All applicants to the Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program should have, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university and have at least two years of receiving spiritual direction experience. However, he or she must be able to meet the Standards Criteria set by the CCPC Examining Board. The graduate certificate in interfaith spirituality offers a flexible curriculum that you can tailor to fit your interests. The program provides training in spiritual direction. As a published songwriter I have also authored five books, including The Heart of the Artist: A Character-Building Guide For You and Your Ministry Teamand Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services As If Spiritual Formation Mattered. 20 Bergen Road A spiritual director will accompany you with presence and conversation as you explore your interior life: prayer, forgiveness, interaction with a faith community, discernment, your understanding of interior movement toward or away from God. I mostly meet with Japanese directees. What is Spiritual Direction? I also served in ministry leadership roles and have developed content and curriculum for a variety of faith-related initiativesincluding curriculum around business leadership and also Christ-centered generosity, both in partnership with the National Christian Foundation Twin Cities. Though I stayed connected to church as I grew older, I so longed to experience more of God. Before we dive in, however, here's a little bit on how the program came into being. Areas of Interest or Specialty: The Ignatian Exercises; the Enneagram; Myers-Briggs assessments and spirituality; exploring imagination and creativity as ways of approaching God; listening and dialoguing with God; rest-Sabbath-prayer; communication and appreciation between generations; "giving your life away," aging, and "giving your death away" (Ronald Rolheiser's words); and experimenting with life, with ways of seeking and avoiding God. Three of the foundational courses in interfaith spiritual care are open for enrollment anytime they are offered. In addition, I work with clients to develop their relationship with God and neighbor, using a proprietary curriculum based on the two greatest commands. I have since experienced 56 additional retreats, where I have reconnected with my soul and found greater intimacy with God. Spiritual Direction is distinct from our other one-on-one Christian ministries and is not meant to replace them. Although most of the spiritual directors listed are RCA members or ministers of Word and sacrament, their certification as spiritual directors is not granted through the RCA. I am trained through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, am a certified Enneagram coach, and completed training in strategies for trauma awareness and resiliency. Matt provides oversight on visual communications, art and illustration, and is host of the weekly podcast SDI Encounters which engages in conversations around spiritual direction, contemplative practice, and spiritual care. Areas of Interest or Specialty: I'm open to all, but I have a special interest in offering direction to pastors. After two years in the Unification Church and 20 years in the Vineyard, I am ordained in the Church of Christ. Lucinda Clark, a spiritual director in Charlotte, N.C., said that in her experience, more Black clients, including clergy members, are seeking spiritual direction after George Floyd's death. She is a Pastoral Associate at St. Benedict Cathedral in Evansville, Indiana, and Director of Temporary Professed Sisters for the Sisters of St. Benedict. After retiring from academia, my Christian journey led me to be trained as a spiritual director in the Franciscan tradition (2013-2015) and Jesuit tradition (2020-2022). During TC, I felt an invitation from the Lord to pursue training in spiritual direction and theological training from Sioux Falls Seminary where I received my certificate of Spiritual Direction and Masters of Bible & Theology with an emphasis in Intercultural Studies. I continue to read and study Spiritual Formation and seek to remain faithful in my own formation and practices. Training: Sustainable Faith cohort led by Tim Reist in Peoria, Illinois. Program Director: Katrina Obata Assistant Director: Lisa Alteio Guest Faculty: Chris Murphy, Paula Mitchell, Marilyn Vancil, Joe Castillo, and Carolyn Shimabukuro Technical Associate: Rev. For fun, Mary Jo and I jump at any chance to go on a hike, take in ocean and mountain views, as well as hang out with our daughter and her husband. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Working with leaders in professional and pastoral ministry, especially church planters; university students and young adults; discerning vocation and calling; developing spiritual practices and rhythms. Currently, I am pursuing a certificate in spiritual transformation with the Transforming Center in Wheaton, IL. Sitting with others for the purpose of listening to their life in God in spiritual direction is one of the greatest joys of my life. What we are able to indicate is that each person listed has been on a significant spiritual journey with us and has completed training and formation in this important ministry of spiritual direction. Growing up Lutheran on a central Illinois dairy farm, I left for college and a decade of other adventures, then returned to my roots. Love good conversation, good coffee, nature, and a good round of golf. CCPC Global is responding to both social expectation and professional need. You take one of those courses before you apply for the next cohort of the spiritual direction program. I only consider directees who are able to meet in person. Individual Spiritual Direction - 30 sessions. Connie has many years of experience as a nurse, counselor, pastor and as a Spiritual Director for the past 5 years. You can search for those who do using our sorting feature below. Once your course work is completed and your supervised practicum hours with your own directees or clients are completed, you will receive a certificate of completion for the program. Relationship, Generational, and Sexual Issues, Dreamwork for Guiding Non-Religious People, Images of the Divine & their impact upon the spiritual life, Faith Styles & their impact on the SD process, Varieties of prayer and devotional disciplines, Addiction and the Longing for Transcendence, Rules & Ethics: Boundaries, confidentiality, and self-care. It's an honor to accompany others on their spiritual journey! I entered TC3 as a retreatant and have remained as a co-laborer and community member where my focus is intercession, spiritual hospitality, and small group facilitation. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. In addition to my work with spiritual communities, I serve on boards in the arena of social justice, including board chair for Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force, a collaboration of over 130 agencies ranging from governmental to faith-based. Please see the section below dealing with a Supervisors Evaluation Report. She received her certification in spiritual direction from Sustainable Faith and is certified as a trainer in the Enneagram. My wife Dianne and I live in Fishers, IN, where we delight in keeping track of our four children who live all over the country. Directees are expected to compensate directors, unless otherwise agreed upon. Each listing indicates if the spiritual director offers in-person and/or remote (online or by phone) spiritual direction. If you are interested in applying for this certification, please go to the manuals page and download a copy of the CSDS manual or simplyCLICK HEREand follow the steps. Listing of Spiritual Directors For those seeking spiritual direction, LTI provides a listing of people who have received a Certificate of Completion of training in LTI's Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program. The pillars of the program include: integration of theological and human sciences as they relate to spiritual development; learning the art and skills of interpersonal relationships; and the fruitful experience of supervision. The options for a personal spiritual practice are multiple and flexible. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Enneagram work; life-mapping; honoring the body - health & wellness. Once payment is complete, you will be sent all pertinent information about the course via Constant Contact mass email (including login instructions to Moodle - our online platform). I began spiritual direction while at the TC and have continued with the same director for 10 years. The spiritual companions of SDI share their stories on our blog. Much like home improvement shows, I felt like the Lord did a total flip of my heart as I learned new ways to open my soul to the work of the Spirit. Each candidate will supervise six Spiritual Direction practicum students for a total of thirty six hours. ; certified spiritual director Benedictine Spiritual Formation Program (Benet Hill, Colorado Springs, CO) - 2 year program with certification as spiritual director Availability: Open to all BARTSCH, MARK LEE. He is also a certified spiritual director through . I continued with TC11 for a deeper dive! I support those desiring to explore and deepen their spiritual experience and open their story to transformation. Alumni Retreat, Academic Partnership I am still learning. Locating and interviewing a spiritual directoris an important step in your spiritual journey. I spent my entire career as a professional physiologist on the faculty of Loyola University Chicago Medical Center (1975-2013). 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