Doug Mulder (recently deceased) and Richard Mosty. I invite your comments at any time and I'll try to monitor a little closer if anything sounds like a personal attack on someone else. I strongly recommend that you read them in their entirety. Having read the hub twice, I think a third person in the house at the time of the murders is not so far fetched. I believe Darin either knocked Darlie out with some kind of chemical, stabbed the two children first (again, only something an inexperienced killer would do - a real killer would kill the mom first. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 05, 2018: Magpie 9, one more thought on the utility room. Davis asked if Darlie had placed a towel on the boys while they had searched the house. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on October 12, 2018: Thank you Paula for your comments and your gracious insight. Fortunately few in numbers, people in this group display a total lack of self-control, get extremely angry when not agreed with, and most likely possess the potential for violence. [sic], A close relative (Name withheld by request). These photos were taken just hours before she was formally arrested and charged with a double homicide. "It would be downright entertaining if it didn't take away so much time from what I need to be doing--researching and writing the appellate brief. The investigators discovered a motion sensor light on the redwood spa the Routier's had installed in the backyard. Again, none of the towels recovered from the crime scene had Damon or Devon's blood on them; only Darlie's. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on April 01, 2018: A very strange case, that does not make sense. I didn't realize my own throat had been cut until I saw myself in a mirror. I dont feel that he did the actual stabbings, I think that was all Darlie, but I firmly believe he knows she did it and quite possibly assisted in the staging/cover up process to keep her from being charged. The screen fibers were larger than the fingerprint brush fibers and the screen fibers on the knife contained black rubber and asbestos. Of course not, no trial is or ever will be. They were both shouting at each other while their children were busy dying. I find it laughable that people watch Dateline or some other t.v. They presented their conclusions to Mr. Samford and explained methodically how they came about them. She dyed her hair blonde, wore heavy makeup (she still does on death row) had a boob job using the largest implants available (36 EE), bought expensive jewelry, expensive revealing clothes, went to tanning salons, and openly flirted with other men when she and Darin went out, causing friction between them. We already have so much on him. Darlie and her family of course maintain her innocence, but what family says their loved one convicted of crime is guilty? I shouldn't have picked it up. Have a good day! Darlie never mentioned anything about applying wet towels to anyone in her June 6, 1996 formal written statement to police. Darin would have had but a couple of minutes to concoct a plan prior to police arrival. Toby Shook, one of the prosecutors on the case, said nothing has happened in the past two decades to make him doubt the jurors decision to convict Routier. 73 (44%) of the sentences are unintelligible and marked so on the transcript. That's part of their duties, is to find injuries that we may have missed. Darlie Routier was convicted and sentenced to die for fatally stabbing her 5-year-old son, Damon, in June 1996. While on the witness stand Darlie invoked her 5th amendment right not to incriminate herself to all questions asked of her including: "Mrs. Routier, do you love your children? They proceeded transporting to Baylor Medical Center, Dallas, but he died enroute. In this author's opinion, the first red flag would have to be the fact that not once did Darlie ask about her youngest child Drake, or go upstairs to check on him. I probably covered up the fingerprints. Or has he changed his mind again? 47 6 042-532028 , 042-532027 As mentioned previously, the backyard spa had two 150 watt motion-activated lights on it that were pointed directly toward the house (and the garage window) and illuminated the entire backyard. People like to point out Darins raising the life insurance amount on Darlie but fail to mention that he raised it on himself as well, to $800,000. Thats something youre never going to forget. Darlie looked at the detective and responded, Oh, he always goes off like that when someone he doesnt know walks in the door. Patterson was immediately alert. I couldn't agree more with your observations and comments regarding this case. 16 various witnesses testified for the defense including Darlie herself. This is where the boys were viciously stabbed and Darlie claimed she was attacked by an intruder while sleeping on the couch. Darlie Routier IS!!!!! The cut screen on the garage window was just that, cut. Darlie Routier was a 26-year-old mother of three boys at the time of the killings. After not finding anyone they returned to the kitchen area. The faulty gate in the back yard. Your theories are sound as far as life insurance being a possible motive, a violent burglar using a gun instead of a knife, and killing the mother first. Darlie's latest appeal is pending as the Court is awaiting the results of advanced DNA testing. It was found closed and in place when police investigators inspected it. She would be the only person who could possibly identify him if left alive and there would be nothing to gain by killing the children who would probably not be able to identify the burglar or pose any threat to a burglar. Specifications: Darlie Routier House. the man was at her feet when she woke up2)no bruises on her arm while at the hospital. There aren't many internet sites supporting her guilty verdict because most people feel that justice was duly served and have moved on; it's old news. Darin eventually goes upstairs to go to bed and Darlie stayed downstairs in the family room with the boys. Could it be because she knows 100 times more about this case, and her daughter, and Darin, and what occurred that night, than these self proclaimed Routier case experts do? She may have said she wanted a divorce thinking that he would say something to the effect of.."No Darlie, please..we can work this out" While in actuality after being fed up with her nonstop complaining about the money, he may have said "Fine, I agree, let's do it, pack up your stuff in the morning and get out." Having her little plan backfire on her, and knowing she would have to return to the past life she so much despised, could have made her reach the boiling point. The gate in the back yard had hinge problems. Darlie Kee was there with her, why would she lie about it having taken place? Claims are frequently made such as botched evidence testing, contamination of the crime scene, manipulated evidence, prosecutorial misconduct, evidence suppression, witness tampering, jury tampering, perjury; you name it, it's been thrown out there. This episode was released in October 23, 2014 ( It is just so arbitrary. i can understand when she speaks to the police officer the conversation is inaudible, however when the operator asks her a question i can clearly hear her give a reply to the operators questions. She was wearing shorts. I try to comprehend the exhaustive acting and enormous emotion repression it would take and it makes my head spin.. Do you have any insights to any psychological profiling she may have had? Rowlett Detective Jimmy Patterson even documented this in his June 18, 1996 arrest warrant" "Darlie told us that she saw the assailant drop the knife in the utility room.". Believe me, I know this. Interestingly, these "YouTube educated experts" very seldom if ever mention the indisputable forensic evidence against Darlie, which or course convicted her, and they focus on theoretical evidence which cannot be proven against Darin. Darin Routier's business that he started. How do you cut a screen to enter a house with a knife that was from the house and replaced back in the knife block?! After Darlie was sentenced Mulder later stated in an interview, "I always worried about the knife, my biggest problem was that knife. I'll have a good cry and fall asleep I hope.Peace, Paula. So you got the towels? Mize didn't at all fit the physical description Darlie had given police of the intruder and when he was presented to her, she denied that he was man that attacked her. wow he should have made some marks on the floor too unless he was kept upstairs behind closed doors.9)what mother would not to be around her infant son? The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. One towel and one washcloth were discovered to have blood on them which were both identified as belonging to Darlie. No offense to the author of this brilliant article, but the Routier double murder is one simple clearcut case, which should be proven by one equation: NO INTRUDER = GUILTY! They recite what they've heard and read on YouTube, but that's it; that's the extent of their knowledge about the Routier case. It had blood belonging to Damon and Devon on it, and the inside of the sock at the toe end, it had skin cells belonging to Darlie. When he started crying she told him he deserved it. This photo was taken in the ICU. Her net worth is calculated to be approximately $1.5 Million. WHY? The jurors that were interviewed after the verdict said they went into deliberation wanting to find something to show her innocence, they just couldn't find it. Police officers Wade and Ferrie testified in court that were posted at the front door and were ordered not to let anyone in the house during the investigation. Happy New Year. I'm eager to read the reactions and thoughts so we can exchange & discuss! On the night of June 6th, 1996, Darlie Lynn Routier made a frantic call to 911. With Darlie's emotions as they were after the boys were killed, I have trouble accepting Darlie's ability to think clearly enough to do much scene staging on her own. Co-Defendants None . I was convinced of her guilt as soon as I saw her injuries and actually listened over the years to her appeals. How would she know how deep or how shallow to cut herself? I first came across it over a year ago and actually got banned from one of her support pages on Facebook for posting the link! Although it was difficult to find motive, I dare not question evil acts. Suggested theories as to the causes for the bruises have included the boys kicking with their legs to ward off the stabs. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on April 04, 2018: Hi Everton, Yes this is a very strange case. Darlie wouldnt take the wrap for her coward husband. Most if not all of the Darlie support sites are good at using the cherry picking tactic when extracting testimonial quotes from the Darlie Routier case court transcripts. However, the test results on the nightshirt samples revealed more than Darlie Routier's attorney had bargained for. The reason for that is that I'm doing my own research on the case by reading court transcripts and any other source that could be of help. Tonight we share a cig between our homes with our babies safe inside. In the meantime, K-9 officers had arrived on the scene and began searching a wide perimeter around the house; no intruder found. More posts from r/TrueCrimeDiscussion 574K subscribers States Exhibit 122, the blood map. The prosecution did try to paint a picture of Darlie as a vain person that cared a lot about her appearance. Evidence investigators and technicians now began arriving along with local media trucks. Location of the sock found down the alley from the Routier home, 3 house away. They appear to be keeping quiet about their investigation. It's proof of nothing. Shook produced a third letter and read out loud "I know who did it, and it's driving me crazy that he is out there running free.." Then he read out loud a fourth letter to one of Darlie's friends stating: "I'm praying they'll be able to get a confession from Glenn." Prosecution: And when she told you that she had a struggle with the individual, did she indicate to you that morning where that struggle had taken place? Not take the time to stab everyone knowing someone else might be upstairs in a bedroom. Failing to recognize the clarity that this read provides. She has also been charged with capital murder in the death of her six-year-old son, Devon, who was murdered at the same time as Damon. The problem with the theory of Darlie being drugged is that a toxicology screen was conducted on her prior to the exploratory surgery on her neck in the hospital. The DNA profile from 10-2589-502 has an estimated frequency of occurrence of 1 in approximately 150 quintillion Caucasian individuals. These new test results utilizing new and improved technology as opposed to 1996 technology, just all the more confirmed Darlie Routier's guilt. She literally sealed her own fate on the witness stand. I never will be able to wrap my brain & certainly not my heart around such an evil, unthinkable crime upon one's own babies. Come on lol. He thought it was odd that an intruder that presumably came in to rob the house would walk right past the purse and jewelry without taking it all. In the nearly 1 month long trial, 36 witness testified for the prosecution including police officers, paramedics, nurses, physician's, forensics experts, criminal investigators, neighbors, friends and a local merchant familiar with Darlie Routier. The only other kind of evidence is direct evidence which means there was an eyewitness to the crime. Kezzy is batshit crazy, but she doesn't generally descent to the level of incoherence, Just a minor correction, but the utility room had several drips and splotches of blood on the utility room floor. 11) her polygraph test. Wow did yiu waste time Joseph Goebells wannabe. But that assumes that Damon was stabbed four times at the same time. Darlie had obviously lied about placing a towel on Damon. And I love when she says "I've proven it" Proved it to who? SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on February 04, 2020: Thanks for commenting again. In 1996, a small Texas community was rocked by the tragic slaying of two young boys. in court he said satan told him to do it. I also kniw there is reasinable doubt. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on December 24, 2017: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you as well Jade and all others that have contributed posts here. He stated that she was standing in the kitchen area talking on the phone (to the 911 operator still) and holding a towel to her neck. The problem with all of this is the fact that the physical evidence at the crime scene just does not support the presence of an intruder. Plse don't bother answering as I prefer to look on the bright side of life. She tells police 911 operator Doris Trammell "some man came in, stabbed my babies, stabbed me - I woke up - I was fighting - he ran out through the garage and threw the knife down - my babies are dying - they're dead - oh my God". This theory has merit based on Darlie's own account of the events. Texas." After being notified he arrived at about 6AM and began his analysis of the scene. That's weird: "404--File not found." i came across this blog after watching the tv show last defense. The nightshirt blood samples that were submitted with the hopes of finding male DNA only revealed Darlie's DNA as the prosecution originally claimed during the trial. Darlie's lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, has even stated that they did receive the entire video, and for reasons unknown decided not to present it to the jury or object to the memorial service segment not being shown to the jury by the prosecution. That entire process could take 5 minutes maybe less. I can only say that i am just so grateful to Got, down on my knees to thank God that none of these fuking braindead imbeciles served the Routier jury. Prosecutor: How long would it take for bruising like this to occur to the arm after receiving this blunt force trauma? Kezzy et all are just too stupid to even understand the case, let alone make reasonable arguments about it. That indicates extreme anger toward them.. Back in 1998, The Center for Wrongfully Convicted at Blhum Legal Clinic, part of Northwestern University's School of Law looked into the Routier case. The problem these groups consistently run into is the evidence that convicted Darlie Routier. *Though these different drugs can cause memory lapses, most of them have amphetamine properties and will cause a lot of difficulty sleeping. It is beyond frustrating. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. She knew nothing about the anatomy and physiology of the vascular system. During the trial, Dr. Alejandro Santos, the trauma surgeon that closed Darlie's wounds was called to testify. Is there a link to more of your writings? Can we get an execution date this year Texas? This video clip became infamous and was played at her trial. Bruises like that don't just come from someone grabbing your arm, they came from striking something. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on April 16, 2020: Sscott1101: Thanks for commenting. Darlie Routier is on death row, convicted of murdering her two sons. They blamed it all on Darlies post-partum depression. Years to her appeals died enroute had but a couple of minutes to concoct plan! June 6, 1996, a close relative ( Name withheld by request ) course maintain her innocence, he! There a link to more of your writings their duties, is to find injuries that may. Were both identified as belonging to Darlie else might be upstairs in a.. To bed and Darlie claimed she was formally arrested and charged with a double homicide fibers and the screen were! Her net worth is calculated to be approximately $ 1.5 Million around the house ; no found... Your gracious insight June 1996 calculated to be approximately $ 1.5 Million shallow to cut?! Rocked by the tragic slaying of two young boys Dateline or some other t.v saw myself in bedroom! 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