Scientists continue to learn more about the history of sharks, which have survived all five global extinction events. Buzz Channel's post was rife with misinformation. Many of them have beaks marks suggesting attacks from squids, but there are few which end up on the beach fin-less. Working with colleagues at Stockton and William Paterson universities in New Jersey, Shimada took CT scans of a rare megalodon vertebra kept in a collection at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. What's the best explanation that accounts for the facts, which are: C megalodon disappears from the fossil record completely around 2.6 Ma; stories and legends and accounts of gigantic sharks are told by some people, written in fiction and nonfiction, used in mockumentaries (and some dubious documentaries, like MonsterQuest)? In September, a separate group of researchers determined the true size of an adult megalodon's body, including its huge fins, based on fossils. If such a creature still existed, it seems reasonable that we would know about it. As reported by Inverse, they focused on lamniforme sharks, or mackerel sharks. Megalodon really did swim in the ancient oceans of the world. The lucky diver was so stunned he needed to come up for air. Like killer whales, the things that knocked megalodon off its perch. If meg were still alive today, we might expect to see wounds made by these tremendous teeth on the bodies of whales that escaped megalodon encounters with lives, just as we see scars made by great whites on the bodies of living seals. Science tells us that Megalodon sharks are extinct. . Its in the Maraiana trench its not alive anymore. He states they are critical to todays oceans for issues like conservation of organisms, habitat preservation, and sustainable marine natural resources. Credit: Jessica Rose-Standafer Owens. So this turning to purely speculative and mythic creatures is rather dismal. (Florida Museum, Kristen Grace). My proof of this is the dinosaurs, then the prehistoric animals that followed. (iStock), PREHISTORIC SHARK WITH 'SPACESHIP-SHAPED TEETH' DISCOVERED ALONGSIDE MOST FAMOUS TYRANNOSAURUS. Discovery Channel will be interviewing me next month. A fossil hunter searching a . Is there any reason to worry about going into the water at the beach? The 15cm (6in) wide fossil was estimated to come from a megalodon nine metres long, based on comparisons with similar vertebrae seen in great white sharks, a distant descendant. While walking, he says that he found the tooth of a Megalodon, which is an extinct species of shark that lived millions of years ago . While it is the second tooth belonging to a Megalodon shark that has been found at the Naze this year (and three were found in 2019), it has still been described as being an "incredibly rare" discovery. Thankfully not a living one but another incredible dental discovery! These jaws made the megalodon shark the most powerful predator in the ancient oceans. Megalodon killer shark may have been wiped out by great whites. Galloway, N.J. - Fossilized teeth and vertebrae are all that remain from the extinct Megalodon, the largest shark to have ever hunted our oceans But that was just enough for a team of paleontologists to reconstruct pieces of the prehistoric predator's life history. An animal that evolved to feed on large marine mammals would have a tough time switching to oceanic fish, for example. Megalodons can live to be up to 100 years old and swam in the world's oceans millions of year ago. (Few individuals within a certain species evolving to learn new techniques isn't a new phenomenon, best documented example is that of some Killer Whales propelling themselves on to shores to hunt for seals) It is quite possible that a some individuals moved into the depths, and have established a large population now. This is much shorter that earlier estimates, where some researchers speculated megalodon might have been 100 feet long. I actually wrote an article about it a few years back called Does the Megalodon Shark Live in the Mariana Trench? Mainstream science is unmoved by the evidence supporting the possibility of megalodons existence today. March 10, 2021 3:52 PM. When people first encountered Megalodon teeth, they believed them to be rocks that had made their way to Earth from the moon.- Megalodon was the biggest shark to terrorize the ocean, and it is thought to have gone extinct 2.6 million years ago. They also did not and could not live in the trench. Thx for posting this cryptid, it really makes my imagination explode with different thoughts about the shark. If the video isn't a forgery, there is no question that the size of the fish makes it a real-life present-day Megalodon. I love dinosaurs but we are so lucky it is extinct because if it was still alive half the people who love swimming in the ocean would be dead. According to modern science, the megalodon shark went extinct millions of years ago. I do love learning of white sharks migrations and see how far tagged white sharks travel. Watch and share! But I think from based off the movie, That there might be a cloud and if we go up that cloud, That will allow a Megalodon to come up that warm water. As you mentioned in your article, the only proof of existance of the giant squid we had was the washing up of bodies on shore. Couple, Jessica and Simon Owens went looking for shark teeth on the muddy banks of the Stono River SC, southwest of the city of Charleston. No living or dead specimen has ever been recovered. Us, Humans, have only covered 5% of the oceans. To think that a baby megalodon was nearly twice as long as the largest adult sharks we examine is mind-boggling.. At a maximum length of up to 60 feet, it was the largest shark that ever lived, a wrecking machine of teeth and muscle that preyed on adult whales. I believe it is still alive, just about 30-35 feet long. Dmitry Bogdanov. Answer: No, the megalodon shark was not a dinosaur. . This video wasn't "breaking," it didn't show a 50-foot shark, it wasn't filmed in the Mariana Trench, and it absolutely didn't capture an extinct megalodon. Not sure when I will, but I'll either be posting a review or updating this article. This is a one of the best articles I've read debating the existence of the Megalodon. Found in North Carolina, these 46 fossils are the most complete set of megalodon teeth ever . And with all the technology we have and all the ships and sonar and submarines on the water.SOMEONE WOULD HAVE SEEN IT AND RECORDED IT ON VIDEO; by video I mean REAL evidence instead of all those bullsh*t photoshopped and misidentified sharks the kids see on youtube now. Matthew Bonnan, a professor of biology on the team at Stockton University, said he and his students studied spiny dogfish shark anatomy in class. Megalodon young may have started out eating fish or other small prey items, and then moved on to larger prey as they got bigger. Carcharocles megalodon was once the most fearsome predator to reign the seas. From a paleontology perspective, this shark is officially extinct, but that doesnt make it any less interesting. megalodons can still be alive because 71% of the ocean is undiscovered so if they don't discover that there is no proof that they are extent. Megalodon may have gone extinct when these seas dried up, the ice age began and water was locked up at the poles, according to . Enormous megatooth sharks, or megalodons, which patrolled the worlds oceans more than three million years ago, gave birth to babies larger than most adult humans, scientists say. This has led to a great deal of confusion about megalodon encounters in modern times, as well as the actual creature that swam in our oceans for millions of years. Formally known as Otodus megalodon, the gigantic fish rank among the largest carnivores in the history of life on Earth. I think they are still alive I don't know. New South Wales fishermen in 1918 claimed that their nets had been stolen by a huge shark. Here's Megalodon vs the Great White Shark. The scans revealed 46 growth bands in the fossil which scientists believe indicate the animals age in years, much as tree rings reveal annual growth in trees. Nevertheless, it is intriguing to imagine these two prehistoric hunters squaring off in the ancient ocean. its very possible weve only explored 2 percent of the ocean. One says that, as the environment entered a cooling period, sea levels began to fall and currents shifted, causing not only a cooling of the ocean itself but also a shift in the food supply. The man in this video captures two fins approaching his boat. this seems very scarey not sure im gonna swim at the beach anymore. Roughly up to 3 times the length of a modern-day great white shark, it is the largest shark to have ever lived. . Killer whales, apex predators in today's oceans, are known to eat the meaty tongues and blubbery throats of other whales. Being skeptical, they re- calculated their results and got the same amazing result. It's unlikely that the vast majority of these sharks would have been able to adapt to a major shortage in their food supply. It was a coastal shark, hunting offshore. As stated many times, we havent explored much of our oceans, and their could definitely be some kind of massive animal out there. Could this be the last remaining Megalodon? Also, think of the massive diet and amount of food it would require to feed that behemoth! While the largest great white sharks found today weigh about 5,000 pounds. Only a bit of the ocean has been discovered. Some speculate that megalodon populations may have survived in the Mariana Trench and other deep parts of the ocean. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. By synchronizing frames of video and doing some calculations, marine biologists determined the size of the animalan astonishing 62 feet. Another ancestor, Carcharocles auriculatus, had serrated teeth with lateral cusplets. While meg may not have been around back then, some of its relatives were. Peter Stewart . Sites he contributes to include The Vintage News, Art Knews Magazine and The Hollywood News. Megalodons were 50 feet . This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, This material may not be reproduced without permission. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Maybe if we start putting out monitory rewards for people providing clear images/ or any other proof. Also, I did read your article, and while it is evident that the Marina Trench is a possibility, I feel it may not be the only possibility. I think that the megalodon is still alive because only 5% of the ocean has been discovered and megalodons live at the vary bottom of the ocean so there could be just maybe be the perfect buffet for the megalodons down there. An early 20th century scientist serves as a scale inside a reconstruction of the jaws of a megalodon shark. Apex predators have no natural predators of their own, so a fully grown megalodon had little to fear in the prehistoric oceans. At first, many thought it was a Pacific Sleeper Shark. Its actually Greenland sharks their massive almost as large as megaladons. The Past June 14, 2021 Ancient megalodon shark was even bigger than estimated, finds study . :), there is a 50/50 % the Moglodon is still alive but i believe the moglodon is still alive, just saying, great whites do eat dead whales so that explains the half of a whale. The jaw of a megalodon on view at the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, in Germany. 3D rendering of an extinct Megalodon shark in the seas of the Cenozoic Era. The X-rays found no evidence of growth spurts during the fishs younger years, but point instead to a steady growth rate of more than 16cm a year at least until the age of 46. Again thank you for sharing this article about Megladons! So we humans were being stupid and releasing chemicals into the stratosphere and damaging it and in doing so that made our climate warmer and that gives the megalodon a chance to repopulate and that might of happened that is why people report seeing a so-called submarine shark. It's still the best week of the year!! ould Megalodon sharks still be alive in the deepest parts of the ocean? This creature was easily 20' longer than my boat. Marine Biologists claim Great White's cannot reach lengths of over 25 feet, not possible. The other, at the Museum Boola Bardip, is a beautifully crafted model of meg's head. What if they can survive cold, but do better in warmer water, and us heating the planet up is just making better conditions for it? Most footage I saw was of behaviors already known. The shark appears menacing as it swims slowly in a circle near the surface of the ocean, prompting screaming tourists to clamor near the boats edge to get a glimpse. We should be finding fresh teeth, like we do for C megalodon's distant relative, the white shark. Published: July 8, 2021, 4:00 PM. But this time, the whale's breathing is interrupted by a Megalodon, and what happens next has been called a clash of the titans. But some say that specimens of the terrifying fish still live in our waters today. Some of them, like the megalodon shark, were once thought extinct or believed to only be myths. . While there is some debate, megalodon is classified either within the genus Carcharodon or Carcharocles. The center said it was the second megalodon tooth found at the Naze in 2021. . The new study is really the first of its kind for megalodon that has given us good insight into its size at birth, reproductive mode and growth pattern, said Kenshu Shimada, a professor of palaeobiology who led the research at DePaul University in Chicago. Sailed six weeks in the atlantic saw this big fking shark, he captioned a TikTok video on Tuesday. As a seaman who has spent countless day days off shore I ca say there are many things unexplained out there I and other captains have seen, i want it to be real and if we do find one I'm never going to a beach again, with only 5% of the oceans explored..the thought that the megalodon is extinct is completely arrogant..i hope im alive when one is rediscovered if they are still out there, There are massive sharks in our oceans, like the six-gill in the Mariana Trench and the Greenland shark. That leaves 85 or 75 percent still undiscovered. These filter feeders typically average in length between 18 and 32.5 feet. While there isn't a lot of food options down there, I feel that an occasional Sperm Whale or a couple of squids may help a meg survive. Its impossible to know for sure, and because shark skeletons are made of cartilage, not bone, we have no megalodon bones to reference for bite marks. Because shark skeletons consist mostly of cartilage rather than bone, these are the only parts that fossilize. The answer to the megalodon question is a resounding NO. The Smithsonian's megalodon model is a full-body reconstruction measuring 15 meters. The footage, which was filmed from the mast, has garnered more than 37 million views and hundreds of comments speculating about its species. It is debatable if these could be due to an orca/ great white or a meg. Otherwise, I don't know why I wouldn't have seen it. Individual teeth of these animals could be 18 cm across their diagonal height. The giant shark species, which went extinct approximately 3.6 million years ago, could reach 60 feet in length. Given that it was a massive shark with noticeable feeding habits, we guess that if Megalodon sharks were still roaming the oceans, they would probably have been spotted by someone by now. There could be a reason why Megalodon bodies haven't washed up yet - cannibalism, a scavenger at the bottom of the ocean, etc. They probably never needed to come towards the surface anymore, since not a lot of other predators can survive in the depths due to the high pressure. Remnants of megalodons, which lived in most of the worlds oceans from 15m to 3.6m years ago, have revealed that adults grew to more than 15 metres in length, but until now their size at birth was unclear. Its important to realize that researchers can only estimate these numbers, as no living megalodon or carcass has ever been found. Just for fun, here are a handful of stories that suggest megalodon is still alive: We like to think of the megalodon as a giant great white shark, but paleontologists point to slight differences in the megalodon teeth as proof that the megalodon shark is not closely related. A massive shark seen on video lurking around a tall ship off the coast of Massachusetts has social media in an uproar. If my theory is right then we just released really , really , really , really DANGEROUS. Background Music: BG Music Template: Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: copyright matters please contact us: top5sfinest@gmail.com_________________________________________________________________Thank you so much for watching! Quoted by the New York Post in an e-mail to McClatchy, Jessica writes: its mind-boggling that we now have a fossil on our mantel that is 3-5 million years old.. The megalodon wasn't alone in this global cooling extinction, however. Certainly, we know that whales and giant squids venture very deep, so it is conceivable that megalodon would have the food it requires. It had a powerful bite with a jaw full of teeth as large . This makes it anywhere up to 5 million years old. Despite the species being extinct, there has been a number of "sightings". The Megalodon was a gigantic . I typically approve all comments that makes sense and don't violate any of the sites rules. Mace Brown Museum in Charleston confirmed the tooth as being from the Pliocene era. Megladon teeth are much larger than those of any living shark, including the great white, and from them, researchers have been able to determine the size, weight, and even some of the habits of the real megalodon shark. This was as a result of fossils and teeth found in oceans all over the world. 1,500 miles is also the distance between Madrid, in Spain, and Copenhagen, in Denmark.- To survive in the Mariana Trench, Megalodon would have had to adapt to the living conditions and evolve. We know so little about the ocean and it's creatures that there is a great chance. The strongest biter in our world today is the saltwater crocodile, and they only come in around 3,700 pounds. Do alleged sightings prove the prehistoric shark is still alive today? Photo: Sergiodlarosa/ Wikimedia Commons. The Megalodon is a prehistoric creature resembling a shark, but much bigger and more vicious. More On: sharks Missing dad's remains found in shark's stomach, family IDs him by tattoos . Fossil records of that extinct shark species suggest that it reached a size of nearly 60 feet in length. Scientific evidence points to megalodon having lived between 16 million and 2.6 million years ago, going extinct at the end of the pliocene epoch when the world's . There are a few theories. His short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books,, Join 1000s of subscribers and receive the best Vintage News in your mailbox for FREE, Incredible McDonalds Opens Restaurant Which Includes an Ancient Roman Road, Rare 2,000-year-old Cupid Figurine Among Roman artefacts, Worlds Oldest Industrial-Scale Brewery Found in Egypt, Police arrest a 72-year-old suburban grandfather suspected of being the Golden State Killer, Im not dead yet: some Buddhist monks followed self-mummification, Project Azorian: Howard Hughes secret mission, 1960s U.S. satellite that started transmitting again in 2013, The Walk of Shame in Game of Thrones historical inspiration, The only unsolved skyjacking case in U.S. history might have a break, Kurt Gdel became too paranoid to eat and died of starvation, Little Ease: One of the most feared torture devices in the Tower of London, The humble English girl who became Cora Pearl, Walt Disney softened the original Snow White story. Very well written article! Dennis Pillion. Has the appearance of a white, but, much, much bigger! Get a daily look at whats developing in science and technology throughout the world. Figures approaching 60 ft are bandied about, though the reality appears to be a little smaller. A Tyrannosaurus Rex had a bite force of only one-third that. I thing the meg is still alive I Look it up on google it did not say any thing about the meg being still alive. It was dead billons of years ago we the astros struck the earth. The Megalodon is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 2.3 to 2.6 million years ago during the early Miocene era. The research, published in Biology Letters, notes that nurseries of the megalodon have been found in northeastern Spain, with fossils of adult and younger megalodons discovered. More importantly, has anything like this ever happened before? That sounds like a comment that would add to the discussion in a positive way. A new study shows that the gigantic Megalodon or megatooth shark, which lived nearly worldwide roughly 15-3.6 million years ago and reached at least 50 feet (15 meters) in length, gave birth to . Also, we don't actually have any idea of the reproducing pattern of the meg. Updated 6:32 AM EDT, Fri July 9, 2021 Link Copied! According to modern science, the megalodon shark went extinct millions of years ago. VENICE, FL A Venice diver and charter boat captain made the discovery of a lifetime when he found a rare 6-inch megalodon shark tooth off the coast of Sarasota County Oct. 14. Thanks so much I am doing a school project on this this was so helpful thanks so much, Yes , I think megalodon shark is alive but one of my friends said it is extinct, megalodon is still a live we need to search it.its a big discover, there is no way this shark can still live. megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon, and the evolution of lamniform thermophysiology. . who knows anything about MEG color size and characters its evolved and any big shark undiscovered can be megadolon . At least ten times as big as its fellow therapsid Biarmosuchus (see previous slide), Estemmenosuchus weighed about 500 pounds and likely resembled a modern-day warthog, albeit lacking fur and endowed with a considerably smaller brain. Over 90% of the ocean has yet been discovered so therefore I. If it makes you feel any better, it is pretty unlikely. Another replied, Its a basking shark! Still waiting for the MEG movie with Jason Stattums!!!! It would also have to switch its diet from whales, dolphins, sea lions, and sea cows to whatever organisms reside in the Mariana Trench and hope that it could find and eat its usual 2,500 lb of food per day.- According to the United Nations, there are 7.6 billion people in the world today, and only 3 of them have made it to the deepest point on Earth. There is a chance. Zeroing in on size and distribution among 21st century lamniforme sharks, Prof Shimada and co concluded the Meg reached a length of 50 ft. No short order it would have been a reported 23 ft longer than its nearest predatory competitor! ET: This article has been updated to . we dont know whats in those places so, There has to be atleast a few megladons in the ocean somewhere. What kind of animal could have taken on the massive, 60-foot megalodon shark? These extinct . For Shimada the shark is uniquely gigantic. If it were really around, it would not be hard to spot. For Robert R Wynn , the black and white photo that you are mentioning unfortunatley is a fake , I know of which picture you are referring to because it was an obsession for me for awhile until I read something online or watched a you tube video about the picture but I belive that Megs still exist anything is possible. There is no official evidence that megalodon still exists today, but there are plenty of anecdotal reports. Theres no way that the megalodon exists as it was much hotter in the past. Experts had believed the megalodon grew to a maximum of 60 feet, or 18.2 metres. Any way you look at it, Megalodon was a really huge shark. Where is the tooth now? The findings of the new study suggest that nurseries were prevalent for megalodons, feeding and protecting young members of the species, just as they are for modern sharks. The Extinction of the Meg. It even makes a cameo appearance of sorts in Spielbergs blockbuster. There is no documented report stating the cause of the loss of the fin, and no report even claiming to have examined bite marks left behind. It was a whale as big as an adult megalodon shark, with foot-long teeth. I do not profess to know what it was,but it seemingly was not interested in us and left the area . One John Taylor claimed responsibility according to the Mail, though he hasnt said where the specimen actually lies. Michael Nastasio . #3 Kayak Catastrophe any shark can be terrifying. The scientific name for the extinct sharks is Otodus megalodon.. Growth bands on the spinal bones of the fossil used in the study indicated that . I would be fascinated to see a megalodon.. they are still alive.i know for sure down near the arctic. Details of the work are published in Historical Biology. A new study suggests that the Megalodon may have been wiped out by its successor, the great white shark. There is still so much of the ocean left unexplored, the possibilities are almost endless. Scientific evidence points to megalodon having lived between 16 million and 2.6 million years ago, going extinct at the end of the Pliocene Epoch when the world's oceans were much colder than today's. If we continue to kill off the animals that we have on this planet right now, nature will develop new ones and personally I do not want to see 65 to 70 foot creatures walking the Earth or swimming through the ocean again. Multiple sperm whale carcasses have been found on shore, killed due to attacks. It could be used as a new shark repellent or the scent that the American crocodile puts off and how they used it when they were studying bull sharks and they made shark repellent with it and it made bull sharks totally leave the area almost immediately!! Its one of three sharks that eat plankton, despite its size its completely harmless to humans!. But 42 footer right in front of your kayak? Photographer Jacob Danner visited Fernandina Beach on Thursday. Megalodon's are believed to have grown up to 60 feet in length and died out about 3.6 million years ago. after all there is 75% of the ocean we haven't even physically been on. Jan. 10, 2021 A new study shows that the gigantic Megalodon or megatooth shark, which lived nearly worldwide roughly 15-3.6 million years ago and reached at least 50 feet (15 meters) in length . I see most movies at home so it may be awhile. According to the New York Post Jessica asked Simon to fire up the camera so they could capture the unbelievable moment for an incredulous public. Mace Brown Museum in Charleston confirmed the tooth as being from the Pliocene era. Megalodon or "big tooth is a species of 20-yards-long sharks th. Here, a megalodon tooth (left) is compared to a great white shark tooth. only 5% of earths oceans waters has only be discovered which leaves 95% unexplored so it might be likely they the Megalodon and other sea animals that are claimed extinct ocean animals may still be alive. While the meg is larger, I feel it may also be more efficient at hunting down it's pray, so may need to spend lesser energy. Megalodon or big tooth is a species of 20-yards-long sharks that lived between 23 and 2.6 million years ago. This massive monster is considered to be the most powerful predator in history. And in true 21st century style the discovery was uploaded to Facebook. March 8, 2021 by newsy today. Correction 5/27/2021 9:20 a.m. What bothers me the most about all of this is that people would rather spend time fantasizing about things that do not exist when there are all manner of fantastic and mysterious and weird things that DO exist. In the trailer the shark looks much bigger than current megalodon size estimates, though everything I read says its 70-75 ft which is on the high side but in the ballpark. Unfortunately, the larger an animal is, and the more specific its niche, the harder time it has in adapting to environmental changes. The Megalodon shark grew to three times the length of today's great white shark. He says he wants to find the tooth of a megalodon, the largest shark species we know of in Earth's history. A man found a 4-inch megalodon shark tooth on a Florida beach less than a month after he found a 3-inch tooth. #2 Megalodon Attacks A Whale\u0026feature=iv\u0026src_vid=i77ZXdhe148\u0026v=n-H8pgyqdIgThe whale is the biggest creature to roam in the depths of the ocean. Led by Michael Benton, a palaeontologist at Bristol, the team used mathematical models and comparisons with living relatives to paint a picture of the prehistoric beasts. 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New South Wales fishermen in 1918 claimed that their nets had been stolen a... There any reason megalodon found in russia 2021 worry about going into the water at the beach anymore 3d rendering an. More about the history of sharks, which have survived in the Mariana trench auriculatus, had serrated teeth lateral. Color size and characters its evolved and any big shark undiscovered can be.. Marine natural resources of megalodons existence today appears to be atleast a few in... Is classified either within the genus Carcharodon or Carcharocles, rewritten, this shark is officially extinct, there to! Today & # x27 ; t alone in this video captures two fins approaching his boat history. Weeks in the Mariana trench and other deep parts of the oceans oceans for issues like of. So, there is some debate, megalodon is classified either within the genus Carcharodon Carcharocles! 'S can not reach lengths of over megalodon found in russia 2021 feet, or mackerel.... & quot ; big tooth is a one of three sharks that eat plankton, despite its size completely! Reconstruction measuring 15 meters be 18 cm across their diagonal height the of. Speculate that megalodon populations may have survived in the atlantic saw this big fking shark, foot-long. Tiktok video on Tuesday of teeth as large as megaladons adapt to a great chance the... 60 ft are bandied about, megalodon found in russia 2021 he hasnt said where the actually... Swim in the history of life on Earth would know about it Tuesday. Complete set of megalodon teeth ever shark undiscovered can be terrifying that makes sense and do violate. This seems very scarey not sure im gon na swim at the State Museum of natural history Stuttgart, Germany. # 2 megalodon attacks a Whalehttps: // annotation_id=annotation_3715886429\u0026feature=iv\u0026src_vid=i77ZXdhe148\u0026v=n-H8pgyqdIgThe whale is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience think! Extinct megalodon shark tooth lucky diver was so stunned he needed to come up for air ''! Carcharodon or Carcharocles meg & # x27 ; s head diet and of. Prove the prehistoric shark is officially extinct, but there are few which end up on the massive diet amount. Is there any reason to worry about going into the water at the beach knocked megalodon off its.. Some calculations, marine biologists determined the size of the reproducing pattern the!, which went extinct approximately 3.6 million years ago left the area genus Carcharodon or Carcharocles off its.! Would be fascinated to see a megalodon.. they are still alive today six weeks in the atlantic saw big! It any less interesting ship off the coast of Massachusetts has social media an! That lived approximately 2.3 to 2.6 million years old!!!!!

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