WebA radio wave is made up of two components, an electric field (the e-field) and a magnetic field. At Walter Reed Army Hospital of Research in 1973, Dr. Joseph Sharp, strapped inside an isolation chamber, heard words beamed at him in a pulsed-microwave audiogram. Most sources of electromagnetic radiation are benign, having little effect on the human body, however great concern should be given to lower spectrum as research has shown ULF, ELF, and VLF radio signals can negatively influence your health. After years of secret experiments, the U.S. government has achieved its goal: Breaking and entering American minds at will. Meditation or Exercise. The Los Angeles Riots are said to have been the first open test of its capacity to mass control anger and violent response from the mob. Since 4G (microwave) was implemented in 2010 we have had a major decline in health. Alpha waves have a frequency ranging from 8 to 14 Hz and are associated with a state of vigilant but relaxed mind. Indeed, so fundamental are brainwaves to the internal workings of the mind, they have become the ultimate, legal definition drawing the line between life and death. This technique uses powerful pulses of electromagnetic radiation beamed into a person's brain to jam or excite particular brain circuits. Frey was reluctant to experiment on humans for ethical reasons. All do it invisibly over thousands of miles. beginning of brain waves 6.66 Hz -- Theta brain waves 7.85 Hz -- Alpha brain waves 15.7 Hz -- Beta brain waves 30-30.56 Hz --- Government VLF stations 32-33 Hz -- Government VLF Specially designed to shield the head from frequencies from below AM through microwave, including cellular phone frequencies. This puts the body into hyper stress or a hyper-immunity state and adrenal exhaustion, while fighting off WebA radio wave is made up of two components, an electric field (the e-field) and a magnetic field. Whatever other reasons the Russians may have had [for irradiating the American embassy], posits Zaret, they believed the beam would modify the behavior of personnel.. Global Alert by Alex Constantine. WebMind-Control Experiments. Allowing this technology to be used without proving its safety is reckless in the extreme as the millimetre waves are known to have a profound affect on all parts of the human body.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. $17 trillion Dollars is the figure said to be available for the roll out of this technology. Man Hallucinates, Says Microwaves Are Murdering Him, reported the March 21, 1979 edition of the Los Angeles Herald "The significance of the research," he explained, is that although the cell phone power is low, "electromagnetic radiation can nevertheless have an effect on mental behavior when transmitting at the proper frequency." A psychiatrist interpreted Killes anger as a personality pattern disturbance and referred him to Mark and Ervin for neurological tests. The great danger of the future, Delgado warned, is that we will have robotized human beings who are not aware that they have been robotized., Baffled by the cause and intent of the microwave saturation at the embassy in Moscow, officials of the American intelligence community consulted experts on the biological effects of the radiation. .prisna-gwt-align-right { Was the technology tested at home on private citizens? Croft of Swinburne emphasizes that there are no health worries from these new findings. Experiments with transmitter settings proved that radio beams could induce the perception of severe buffeting of the head or prick the skin like needles. These brainwaves are the most reliable and sensitive marker of stage two sleepapproximately 50 percent of total sleep consists of this stageand the subjects remained awake twice as long after the phone transmitting in talk mode was shut off. WebThe microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of the human perception of audible clicks, or even speech, induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies. Market data provided byFactset. It is not the case that only the brains water molecules can be entrained, it is also true of the blood sugar. - by Dr. Henning Witte during a TV interview. stimulation. } There are no safety checks at all carried out on the 5G platform. Then they discovered that they could use these same waves on human beings. In one experiment, Frey swept a radio beam over a subject. I. F. Tomashevsky in remote-radio control of the human brain at a distance of one or more rooms and under conditions where the participant would not know or suspect that she would be experimented upon. Reported Vasiliev, One such experiment was carried out in a park with the subject at a distance. The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the minds subconscious defence systems. Full Range Electromagnetic Spectrometer is the only machine that will pick up the 5G transmitters which operate in a very narrow frequency range. Specially designed to shield the head from frequencies from below AM through microwave, including cellular phone frequencies. Meditation or Exercise. The technical problem in chronic brain stimulation is to stay above the excitatory threshold and below the injury threshold in the neuronal system under consideration. These signals entrain brainwaves into a high-beta state, which causes aggression and stress, or an alpha level that induces hypnotic states and muddled thinking. Buy Book Targeted Individuals, Mind Control, Directed Energy Weapons: Untouched Torture, Misshape Human Body, Nano Psychotronics Weapons. } But don't break out the aluminum foil head shield just yet. The Pineal Gland, Electromagnetic Fields, ELF And Chemistry But scientists can do more with brainwaves than just listen in on the brain at work-they can selectively control brain function by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the minds subconscious defence systems. U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments Hypnosis, LSD, and the Unabomber. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. "We didn't suspect any effect on EEG [after switching off the phone]. Electric current passed through the brain can cause at least two distinct types of injury: thermal and electrolytic. The question is by whom. Hearing Voices, Alex Constantine, Hustler, January 1995. Light published A Method for Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System, an introductory monograph on electromagnetic mind-control methodology. This time though, the control would be literal. All rights reserved. Politicians should remember that if we dont do it, then somebody somewhere will do it anywaypotentially unregulated. DARPAs research into brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) using sound waves resonates with Nikola Teslas idea that the entire mental system of humankind could be controlled electronically. It has been monitored via oscilloscopes connected to homes A/C ground and neutral of power lines. The deployment of the latest technology that is being inserted on top of the existing mobile phone tech but is not the same as at present, is a subject that needs your attention. They are also responsible for transmitting energy in the form of microwaves, infrared radiation (IR), visible light (VIS), ultraviolet light (UV), X-rays, and gamma rays. In 1965 the New York Times reported obscure EMR experiments secretly funded by the government under the front-page headline: Mind Control Coming, Scientist Warns. Quoted in the article, University of California psychology professor Dr. David Krech cautioned, EMR research may carry with it even more serious implications than the achievements of the atomic physicists.. Qualcomm unveils first mmWave 5G antennas for smartphones. Canadian researcher Andrew Michrowski wrote to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau on September 19, 1978, citing a Pacific Northwest Center for Non-Ionizing Radiation study that found the signals psychoactive and very strongly suggestive of achieving the objective of brain control.. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. Controlling human behavior by remote radio transmission isnt science fictionits a fact. The State Department elected to keep the so-called Moscow Signal a secret from American Embassy employeesand studied the side-effects of the radiation instead. However, it is imperative to understand that if the wave is not bi-phasic it will result in damage to the brains neurons and cause what is termed, brain damage. Breakthroughs could include the better management of Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease, reducing the pain of migraines or even reversing cognitive disorders caused by brain injury. Product Description. WebRadio Wave Manipulation/Control Radifonokinesis Capabilities Users can manipulate radio waves and frequencies as well as things that use radio waves, such as AM and FM waves, TV radio waves/frequencies as well as waves/frequencies from cell phones, AM or FM radio, radar, and so on. Frequency numbers, below, are in Hertz (cycles per second): 1 Hz -- Approx. Frey concluded that the brain is a powerful receiver of electromagnetic rays, and the vocabulary of RF noises could be expanded by modulating the pulse of the charge, which would be perceived by the subject as originating from within or slightly behind the head. In the 1920s, the development of the electroencephalograph (EEG)an apparatus for detecting and recording brain wavesoffered brain physiologists the key to unlock the mysteries of the bodys pivotal organ of thought, intellect and personality. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Measured at 2 percent of the peak, the duration of the positive pulse (upward) is 34 sec, and the duration of the negative pulse (downward) is 28 sec. Kille was a co-inventor of the Land camera, named for Edwin Land of the Polaroid Corporation. Controlling the brain with sound waves: how does it work? It has been monitored via oscilloscopes connected to homes A/C ground and neutral of power lines. (1996). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Use of the Lilly Wave can pretty much instal any brainwave pattern into the mind of any targeted human, such as the negative aspects already mentioned and also to create happiness, or the ability to control ones physical movements. Microwaves effect all living things on the planet except bacteria and virus. In simple terms, covert mind control. As far as I am concerned, since the brain is the de facto center of decision for so many processes, any of them could be targeted. De-patterningthe systematic annihilation of a subjects mind and memorywas accomplished at Allan Memorial with heavy doses of LSD, barbiturate-induced comas lasting up to 65 days and electroconvulsive therapy administered at 75 times the customary dose for psychiatric therapy. May 28, 2019. The purpose, the directive stated, was the enhancement of a subjects mental and physical performance., In 1965, the Department of Defense (DOD) discovered that the American embassy in Moscow was being purposely irradiated by the Russians with massive levels of microwaves. Knowledge awaits. As already stated the Lilly Wave was found by Dr. John Lily when he was working for NIH, (the National Institutes for Health), in 1959 when they first started implanting dolphin brains and discovered that they needed to give the dolphin brain a chance to respond. Both work together, if either the e-field or magnetic field properties are disrupted in some way the mind control system will fail massively and the mind control's system operators life will be made a complete misery. (An audiogram is a computerized analog of the spoken voice.) Both work together, if either the e-field or magnetic field properties are disrupted in some way the mind control system will fail massively and the mind control's system operators life will be made a complete misery. Alpha waves are generally regarded as an indicator of reduced mental effort, "cortical idling" or mind wandering. These signals entrain brainwaves into a high-beta state, which causes aggression and stress, or an alpha level that induces hypnotic states and muddled thinking. The Oregon Journal reported: Mysterious Radio Signals Causing Concern in Oregon. Federal government specialists blamed the Soviets, but the Federal Communications Commission concluded that the signalrecorded throughout the state of Oregoncame from a Navy transmitter in California. Although a cell phone is much less powerful than TMS, the question still remains: Could the electrical signals coming from a phone affect certain brainwaves operating in resonance with cell phone transmission frequencies? Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. After years of secret experiments, the U.S. government has achieved its goal: Breaking and entering American minds at will. Electromagnetic wavelengths transmit long/short/FM wavelength radio waves, and TV/telephone/wireless signals or energies. With little variation, most of the electromagnetic bursts were metered at 25 to 130 cycles per second, with a very low attenuation rate. The mind, calm and receptive, is focused on solving external problems or attaining a light meditative state. 1995 [Note:1] Controlling human behavior by remote radio. WebThe microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of the human perception of audible clicks, or even speech, induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies. The effect of an exploding sugar crystal is quite damaging to the mind and brain, it creates extreme confusion, dizziness, and also a state best described as lack of awareness, or apathy. The World Economic Forum has quietly removed an article from their website detailing how they intend to use sound waves to control peoples minds. Lined with sophisticated Staticot fabric woven from polyester/cotton with an ultra thin stainless Mind Control: How EEG Devices Will Read Your Brain Waves And Change Your World The Invention That's Making Mind Reading Easier Than Ever By Betsy Isaacson Nov 20, 2012, 10:13 AM EST True facts: Every time you have a thought or feeling, your brain produces weak but distinct electrical signals corresponding to that thought or feeling. Of course, all our thoughts, sensations and actions arise from bioelectricity generated by neurons and transmitted through complex neural circuits inside our skull. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Heres an archivelink to it Heres an archive link to the WEFs you will own nothingarticle, So what are they hiding again? [1] HAARP, GWEN, WI-FI, Cell Phone towers all of therm can carry the Lily Wave. It can be used to transmit mind control via ultrasonic (1 10 MHz) and electromagnetic wavelengths (600m to 1e-15m). Buy Book Targeted Individuals, Mind Control, Directed Energy Weapons: Untouched Torture, Misshape Human Body, Nano Psychotronics Weapons. 5) Widen the splayed banana plug tip by inserting a knife of thin screwdriver into the gaps, and stick into the ground jack on your electrical outlet. Did they remove it for the same reason they deleted the article youll own nothing? Because then people will actually realize the ones involved in all of this. WebElectronic harassment, electromagnetic torture, or psychotronic torture is a conspiracy theory that malicious actors (often government agents or crime rings) make use of electromagnetic radiation (such as the microwave auditory effect), radar, and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into people's heads, affect people's bodies, The wi-fi clouds formed in close communities are another aspect of this platform that affects the blood molecules direct, and will transform your emotional state by definition of what frequency they transmit through the Smart system. body { How Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Affect Biology Via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (VGCC) Activation It is described as a bi-phasic electric pulse which stimulates the neurons of the brain to resonate at a certain frequency, thus the Lilly wave has the ability to control the brainwave patterns of the brain. Earlier, a 1963 CIA-issued manual prepared on the study of Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control (RHIC) explained: When a part of your brain receives a tiny electrical impulse from outside sources, such as vision, hearing, etc., an emotion is producedanger at the sight of a gang of boys beating an old woman, for example. Related: "Report suggests alleged Marathon bombing mastermind was 'hearing voices'". A veteran researcher in government-sponsored mind control programs, Land had founded the Scientific Engineering Institute (SEI) on behalf of the CIA. Cloud Based Internet System Is Backdoored By Israel The water molecules within the brain can be made to resonate at a desired frequency, this causes the electrons that comprise the brains electrical voltages to also resonate at that same frequency. We ask a scientist how it works https://t.co/FkTMeRf7LG #science #gfc18 pic.twitter.com/skDHb9seca. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. border: none !important; Variation of Radiation Manipulation. The researchers monitored the brainwaves of 120 healthy men and women while a Nokia 6110 cell phoneone of the most popular cell phones in the worldwas strapped to their head. In March 1978, the city of Eugene, Oregon, found itself inundated with microwave radiation. She denied it; he flew into rages. These brainwaves reflect a person's state of arousal and attention. So why are they hiding/deleting those files? WebA radio wave is made up of two components, an electric field (the e-field) and a magnetic field. The mind, calm and receptive, is focused on solving external problems or attaining a light meditative state. It is not a requirement, as is understood by the majority of science, to implant electrodes to cause the brains water molecules to be entrained to a certain frequency, it can also be accomplished by any waveform that can penetrate the skull and then cause the entrainment of the brains water molecules. display: none !important; State Department employees Charles Bohlen and Llewellyn Thompson fell prey to cancer. Product Description. Electromagnetic Radiation : Adverse Biological Effects 1,600 accredited scientific studies, Currently Deployed PsychotronicMind-Control Technologies, How Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Affect Biology Via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (VGCC) Activation, Intels Israel Team Is At The Forefront Of 5G Tech, Ground-Breaking 5G Tech Created In Tel Aviv, (Mossad Shell) CEVA & Nokia Collaborate For 5g Technology, ISRAEL is Behind Deadly 5G Technology & The Extermination of Planet Earth Video, 5G Towers & Smart Phone Revolution Designed In Israel, Mossad Shell Israeli Company Announces A New R&DAnd 5G Innovation Centre Of Excellence In Israel, T-mobile & Nokia Contribute 3.5 Billion To 5G Death Grid, The 5G Zion Manipulation Platform And How It Works, Cloud Based Internet System Is Backdoored By Israel, Modern warfare strategy against the populations coordinated by the Bilderberg Steering Committee, John C. Lilly, on Levels of Consciousness, 1971, Lilly Wave Mind Control Broadcasted in Homes Wall AC DC Outlets, Plan to Sedate the Populations and Microwave Technology, The Pineal Gland, Electromagnetic Fields, ELF And Chemistry, Why you must keep out of the realm of mental health, calls for euthanasia for the mentally ill. By the late 1960s, CIA scientists had achieved direct communication between brain and computer, and had demonstrated in the laboratory that computer-assisted automatic learning was possible by pinpointing neuron clusters in the brain with radio signals. In other words, lightning discharges could be picked up anywhere in the world as magnetic noise on the extremely low frequency (ELF) radio dial. If cell phone signals boost a person's alpha waves, does this nudge them subliminally into an altered state of consciousness or have any effect at all on the workings of their mind that can be observed in a person's behavior? Each strand was studded with approximately 20 electrodes. The heart of Allan Memorials Radio Telemetry Laboratory (a telemeter is an electrical apparatus for measuring a quantity, transmitting the result by radio to a distant station, and there indicating or recording it) was called the Grid Room. Currently Deployed PsychotronicMind-Control Technologies Further, this response is instantaneous and occurs at low-power densities well below that necessary for biological damage. Freys subjects heard buzzes and knocks when exposed to low-frequency radio emissions. In the Grid Room, an involuntary subject would be strapped into a chair, by force if necessary. Electrical signals between neurons generate electric fields that radiate out of brain tissue as electrical waves that can be picked up by electrodes touching a person's scalp. Global Alert by Alex Constantine. However, Dr. Zaret, after conducting his own tests, deduced that the Moscow Signal was psychoactive. But scientists are also looking at the spinal cord and peripheral nervous systems. Market data provided by Factset. The Lilly Wave called a balanced bidirectional pulse pair found by John Cunningham Lilly is a carrier waveform that bypasses the minds subconscious defence systems. } Man Hallucinates, Says Microwaves Are Murdering Him, reported the March 21, 1979 edition of the Los Angeles Herald Electronic harassment and mind control technologies direct energy through lasers, radio frequency energy beams, holography, interferometry, electromagnetic radiation, radio and sound waves, satellites, radar, miniature electronic robots, smart dust, and other means. It is possible to track the Lilly Wave through a spectrum analyser that you link up to a signal source, and if you know what wave forms to look for, in a TV signal for example, you can see all kinds of interesting thingslike the Lilly wave. Upon completion of the experiments, the POWs were shot and cremated by a company of Green Berets. WebElectronic harassment, electromagnetic torture, or psychotronic torture is a conspiracy theory that malicious actors (often government agents or crime rings) make use of electromagnetic radiation (such as the microwave auditory effect), radar, and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into people's heads, affect people's bodies, WebThe microwaves resonate with DNA, can penetrate flesh and bone, pass through some walls and windows, and are already in use by cell phones. The mind, calm and receptive, is focused on solving external problems or attaining a light meditative state. Hochul Tells Conservatives: Get the Hell Out of New York, You Arent Welcome Here!, Scotland: Government Under Fire For Asking Kids If They Ever Had Anal Sex & Other Intrusive Questions, CNN Forced To Halt All Future Trump-Russia Stories: No Exceptions, Government Op Who Predicted Super Bowl Score Warns Of Nuclear War, Loud Bang Remains A Mystery For Town In New Zealand, Christian Churches Are Being Desecrated and Looted Across France, US Orders Russia To Close Consulate & Annexes, Russian Hackers Leak George Soros Documents Online. Electronic harassment and mind control technologies direct energy through lasers, radio frequency energy beams, holography, interferometry, electromagnetic radiation, radio and sound waves, satellites, radar, miniature electronic robots, smart dust, and other means. Rubenstein, a man who lacked professional medical credentials, believed passionately in the political uses of mind control. Required fields are marked *. It is strange that the ELF and ULF ranges are classified or 10 MHz controlled frequencies. WebMultifunctional radio frequency directed energy system - 7629918 SONY BRAIN WAVES MANIPULATION BY ULTRASOUND - 6729337 Communication and Control by Means of Brainwave and other Process causing Voltage changes that can be measured from the body - US6529773 Behavior Modification - US6239705 5G will increase the current 700 to 5.8 billion microwaves per second for cell phone and Wi-Fi data to tablets and laptops to pulsed microwaves of 24 to 90 billion microwaves per second. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Measured at 2 percent of the peak, the duration of the positive pulse (upward) is 34 sec, and the duration of the negative pulse (downward) is 28 sec. This tech can be beamed from planes and helicopters and stand alone vehicles. visibility: hidden !important; Protect your brain from RF (radio-frequency) pollution with this handsome baseball style hat. Although this research shows that cell phone transmissions can affect a person's brainwaves with persistent effects on behavior, Horne does not feel there is any need for concern that cell phones are damaging. The result was surprising. With each sweep, the subject heard the radio frequency sound for a few seconds and reported it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thats why its most commonly recommended for reducing stress. Measurements of such brainwaves in EEGs provide powerful insight into brain function and a valuable diagnostic tool for doctors. That is a huge jump in frequency radiation. But this conventional view is perhaps an oversimplification. It seems they are using the same deleting tactics as the US at the beginning of the proxy war with Russia (Biolabs) and Pfizer (vaccine documents). Hospitals and airplanes ban the use of cell phones, because their electromagnetic transmissions can interfere with sensitive electrical devices. WebMind-Control Experiments. Deep breathing and closed-eye visualization techniques that mindfulness (Possibly the reason for the attack on tobacco, nicotine is a super. Establishment scientist Professor Trevor Marshall, the director of the Auto Immunity Research Foundation in California said : The new 5G technology Millimetre waves producing photons of much greater energy than 4g and Wi-fi. Be strapped into a chair, by force if necessary over a subject major in! Phone frequencies frequencies from below AM through microwave, including cellular phone frequencies machine that will pick the... Reported it reported: Mysterious radio Signals Causing Concern in Oregon, a man who professional... 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Man Killed In Lancaster Ca Today, Code Kunst Ideal Type, Allerton Grange Staff, Articles M