once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant

The experiment is unsuccessful, but David encourages Jekyll not to give up and then goes to search the dirigible for any other lab equipment. In the apartment, Emma enters to give Pongo over to Henry in an effort to cheer him up. Instead, Neal frees a young prisoner, Wendy, and brings her back to camp to inquire about Henry. While under the curse, David is trapped in a room full of mirrors until using a torch to break the floor and falls into a chamber surrounded by flames. They corner Tinker Bell outside a cavern, but an unharmed Regina attests to the fairy's innocence. When hers and Charming's daughter was born, Snow wanted to keep her, but she could not for they needed Emma to escape the curse. ("A Bitter Draught", "Heartless"), David and his wife are at the psychiatric ward with Regina, who hopes to find out from Hyde about why the Queen is still alive. Or: Regina and Emma fall in love, while their parents(in-law, future) look on. After the storm, she releases the dove back to its flock as they contently look on. Anton leaves the ship, but promises David will pay for what he has done. Resuscitated by Mary Margaret, he is brought back to the hospital to recuperate. To rescue Robin's daughter from Hades, Regina and Robin plan to bypass Zelena's protection spell on the town hall through an underground tunnel. He and Snow have a brief happy reunion with Emma before Henry reveals the Black Fairy gave Gideon one last command to kill Emma no matter what. Though Snow White is against killing the Evil Queen, she is outnumbered by the others, including Prince Charming, who all believe death is a fitting punishment. They can't comb the jungle, either, because it's not safe to travel through. Prince Charming is at least four years younger than his wife. ("Second Star to the Right"), Heading to the park, David, Emma and Mary Margaret pick up Henry, where they encounter Mr. Gold. While walking near the docks, David and Snow are attacked by Edmond, who tells them that he is being controlled by the Evil Queen. Merlin confirms he can remove Emma's darkness, but the darkness may have taken root inside of her where no one can see it, and for him to remove it, her heart must be ready to be free. She also has a veil coming down from her long coat. August uses his last bit of strength to warn Emma about someone, but only manages the word "her" before he passes away. ("Lady of the Lake"), After the defeat of King George's army, who are Regina's allies in the war, Regina herself is captured. Since Bo Peep once branded Anna with a shepherds crook, the men forcibly take the item and rush to the cave when Elsa radios that Emma is freezing to death. David rushes at Hyde, who throws him backwards several feet before taking off. Nonetheless, David is happy she's found a piece of her old self. Charming and Snow then attempt to sing again, though their voices end up coming out in normal speaking tones. David Nolan David manages to lock Daniel in one of the horse stables and wants to put him down, but allows Regina to talk to her fianc. Following a failed mission to fight Cerberus, Mary Margaret convinces Hercules to try again. To improvise, David takes a chalice that has no magic, but he announces to the Camelot group that they must drink from it so the the bean thief can be found. ("I'll Be Your Mirror"), While Snow is cursed and asleep, David joins Emma, Regina and Hook to track down the Queen and kill her using the sword from Emma's vision. Poor Regina. |-| As Mary Margaret Blanchard = Once upon a Time Season 1 Continuing with the search on his own, he comes across a nude soldier who claims that Snow White stole his armor from him in order to kill the Queen. Noticing the ring on her finger, David recognizes that she must be Kristoff's fianc. Rumplestiltskin gleefully acknowledges that Thomas disappeared due to Cinderella's refusal to pay for their original deal, even though Charming consoles her with a promise to find her husband. On the table, she notices a nearly wrapped present, which he denies is from him. ("White Out"), When one of the farm's lambs go missing, David and his tracking dog Wilby search for it, but they find the animal already dead from being exposed to the overnight cold. In celebration, they head over to the diner to have a late night drinking bash. ("Heroes and Villains"), Six weeks after Mr. Gold's banishment from town, a spell is procured to free the nuns from the hat, but the Chernabog is also released without anyone's notice. As Regina, Zelena, and Henry are trying to locate the flowers in Storybrooke, David says goodnight to Emma since Snow needs to be awake so she can help track where the petals are blowing from. Snow was once in love with a man named James. ("Bleeding Through"), Once the second curse is broken, Mary Margaret is rushed into the hospital while Emma and Regina enact a protective barrier to keep Zelena out. TV Upfronts: Showrunners Reveal How They'd Run a Broadcast Network, ABC Changes Gears (and Leadership) in Bid to Reverse Decline, NERDIST AND THE WHALE AN INTERVIEW WITH DAVID ANDERS, File:7x01 - Hyperion Heights - Sneak Peek 1, Once Upon a Time: Leaving Storybrooke (5/18) - Series Finale. Trouble brews again, however, when Elsa and Emma notice ribbons on their left wrists, which begin absorbing their magic into Ingrid's ribbon; allowing the Snow Queen to cast the spell of shattered sight. Gender: David agrees that Henry has taken after both Emma and Regina, who both put up walls. They settle for sending Snow White, while she is still pregnant, into the wardrobe to another land and wait twenty-eight years for the prophecy of the savior to come true. She is more of an action type of girl and sometimes doesn't need a man to help her. Charming comes to fill Regina in about the knife's enchantment, and following this, Snow banishes her from the kingdom and threatens to kill her if she ever harms anyone ever again. Unable to shake a foreboding fear, he attempts to calm himself by drinking. She corrects him, calling herself a "woman", and then hits him. Trailing behind them, Emma talks to Henry about having phoned Regina, but she has not picked up at all. When he is unable to persuade Mary Margaret of her past identity, he insists that the person he loves is somewhere in her and then holds out his hand to her. During the festivities, Mary Margaret nudges David's attention onto Henry, who is eyeing a girl across the room. David suggests Mr. Gold team up with him for the eastern side, but the latter would rather work alone. Mary Margaret's attempts to help, but Lily knocks her into a rock, causing her to fall unconscious and bleeding. Landing in the water, he surfaces in time to see the dragon's head sticking out the window as she makes a futile attempt to huff fire at him. Then, he and Mary Margaret head home. She suggests they head to Oz with Ruby and the slippers, and from there, use the slippers to return to Storybrooke. When Mr. Gold admits releasing a Wraith to destroy Regina, the trio feud off the creature temporarily. David is certain it should work since Snow did the same with him once, but Hades points out that, in his case, his soul never left his body before being revived. A grown Emma, dressed prettily in a blue gown, persuades him into a dance as practice for her first ball. Mary Margaret stands by Lancelot's warning, however, David questions where the former knight has been. Inside, they find two coconut halves that when combined in the dark, illuminate a star constellation map with an escape route. ("Tougher Than the Rest"), That same night, David gives a toast in honor of Emma's defeat of Gideon and the strength of their united family, although he is sad that Snow can't be with them. Hook objects to him going in without a plan, so David tells him and Jasmine to meet him at the sheriff station in an hour. ("The Price of Gold"), Unsure whether their child will be good or evil, Prince Charming and Snow White touch the horn of a unicorn to glimpse their baby's future. Rather than that, she explains Dr. Whale resurrected her dead fianc Daniel and he may be in the horse tables. With magical help from the Land Without Magic, a portal opens, allowing them to return home. Hook considers a fairy named Tinker Bell who Pan trusts and can likely get them into the camp with pixie dust. ("Beauty"), According to Regina, he and Snow are still "sickeningly happy" several years later. Your running off to sulk and pout like a child who has been caught misbehaving. Mother is the twenty-first and penultimate episode of the fourth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time which aired on May 3. Ill try to separate the polls in chapters. However, when Regina doesn't contact them within the scheduled time, the couple search for her. Existing fictional characters introduced to the series . Set after Henry left Storybrooke. Biographical Information Prince David, better known as Prince Charming, alias Prince James, currently known as David Nolan, and formerly known as John Doe and Sir David, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Backstory episodes Later at the sheriff's office, David hears from Regina about Zelena's botched attempt at killing the Black Fairy. Intent on giving James hell for kissing her, Snow heads off to the sheriff's station, with David following after learning what his brother did to her. During one night, it is Snow's turn to wake David up, but she can't think of anything to write to him because she misses him too much, and instead crumples the paper into her fist before giving him true love's kiss. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". David wants Henry to "horse-sit" first until the animal decides he is ready to ride. He takes the hint; recognizing that Mary Margaret doesn't want to see him. Because Emma returned from the Enchanted Forest, Snow White's timeline altered but she still fell in love iwth James, causing Emma to be born still. While Cora threatens Regina with her father's demise if she doesn't leave the Underworld, Mr. Gold procures magic ale for summoning Hook's spirit. Emma attempts to go after Regina, but Hook persuades her not to. ("Devil's Due"), While David helps to look for the storybook, which contains information about Hades' weakness, Henry reveals it is in the Sorcerer's mansion, but they need a key that James has. Ruby runs off to track Dr. Whale by scent and brings him back to perform the operation on Greg. On his way back to the apartment, he comes across James. They bring Snow up to speed about Hook's fate in the Underworld, and the danger of Hades' presence in Storybrooke. Leroy helps win over Anton by mentioning Emma was given the compass by him. Prince Charming tries to take the ring back by force, but Rumplestiltskin bests him in a duel until he agrees to a deal. Before he can kill Albert, Hook intervenes and locks Albert back into his cell. Surprisingly, the man shoots the remaining guard instead of Prince Charming and then takes off his helmet to reveal himself as the Huntsman. Tracking her to the woods, Maleficent approaches, trying to calm her daughter, who begins breathing fire. Wish Realm self: In January 2017, it was stated that the sixth season would end the main storyline, and for a seventh season, the series would be softly rebooted with a new storyline.. They regroup with Princess Leia and another freed prisoner, but witness Snow White's execution. Emma heals Robin with her Dark One powers, but when she realizes the magic is making her skin turn scaly, she kisses Hook, hoping it will help. The daughter of Regina Mills or The Evil Queen. These suspicions about Hades are cemented further when Emma returns without Hook or the ambrosia. After evading more soldiers, they reach Lancelot's prison cell and unexpectedly find an imprisoned Merida as well. ("The Shepherd"), After Sheriff Graham's death, he helps to staple promotional posters of sheriff election candidate Sidney around town. Physical Description Emma Swan (Daughter)Neal Nolan (Son)Killian Jones (Son-In-Law) until she ran away into the Forest away from the castle until she met Prince Throughout the jungle trek, David reasons with Mary Margaret, stating he kept the secret to keep from sidetracking everyone, as she listens and then silently disregards his words. Good ones, bad ones, but they're all worth living. As the couple discuss Lancelot's strange reappearance, Regina chides them for talking about the issue in front of Emma, as anything could set her off at this point. Mysteriously, residents begin disappearing from town, such as one of the dwarves. To learn about where Robert was prior to dying, he enlists Hook's help to steal potions from Emma's shed, which are needed for a spell. She is upset Henry spent the night at Regina's house, though David points out that Regina is the boy's mother before she got involved. Since it's not safe to be alone, she presses him to take Hook and Henry with him too. The brown doublet and white undershirt worn by Prince Charming in several episodes, The ensemble Prince Charming is wearing during and after the events of the, Despite the fact that Prince Charming wore a wedding ring for his wedding in ". Recognizing the name, Emma rushes off to check a newspaper microfiche, discovering Maleficent's daughter is her childhood friend Lily. Emma, however, balks and instead goes to fetch Lily from the car. ("Dreamy"), David is interviewed all night, but he sticks to the story that he knows nothing. He attempts to chase after her, but the cell door slams shut as she walks out. They take a rest for the night, though everyone is awakened with news of Emma's encounter with Pan in the jungle and the map he gave her to find Henry. Afterwards, David and Mary Margaret enter the pawnshop to deliver the grim news about Neal to Belle and Hook. Once they return outside, they decide to find Tinker Bell first before continuing the mission. Recalling her parents were actual villains in that world, Emma expresses regrets for holding a grudge against them about Lily. Coldly, Mr. Gold asserts that wars have costs and considering this is a blood feud that goes back several generations, and the only way to end it is to spill more of it by possibly killing Regina. She visits David's hospital room that night and begins to read to him. Henry shows Emma an apartment listing so they can live in Storybrooke permanently. Snow later becomes a bandit and steals from Prince Charming, both of them falling in love with each other during their journey. ("Fall"), Under the curse's influence, David and Mary Margaret express mutual disgust at each other. And when Death comes knocking, three of our heroes will be tasked with altering the Fate of one of their own yet again.~**Tags may change as the story progresses.**. Suddenly, he recalls memories of his life with Kathryn prior to the coma. Suddenly, Leroy alerts everyone to danger at the town line, in which no one can leave Storybrooke without losing their Enchanted Forest memories. Prince Charming is sure that even though their chance to be a family is gone, it doesn't mean they can't have a different future together. ("7:15 A.M."), Beginning an affair, he and Mary Margaret begin seeing each other secretly. Once they are past the gates, the couple meet Maleficent and her associates, Cruella De Vil and Ursula, who reveal the Queen is planning to cast a curse that will affect themselves and everyone else. Prince Charming is mentioned in the storybook in "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter". David eyes Hook cautiously, which makes Emma hasten her and Hook's departure. Hook finds him and urges him to wake Snow so he can get some rest, but David snaps at him, stating he doesn't need advice from a pirate. ("The Other Shoe"), Sometime later, Charming goes with Snow to Cinderella and Thomas' wedding. Skeptical, the two sheriffs let Will take them to the store, Any Given Sundae, where Emma notices there is no freezer, which is used to keep the goods frozen. by ellie 263K 7.5K 69 Phoebe Jones had spent the last fourteen years of her life in the foster system, moving from home to home. ("The Bear and the Bow"), Merlin tells the heroes about the plan to rid Emma's darkness by uniting Excalibur with the dagger. Edmond pours wine into Charming and Snow's cups, and after a moment of hesitation, does the same for Charlotte's cup. When David comes back, Snow tells him about how troubled she feels since their battles never seem to end. Hyde is temporarily stunned by the weapon's power, allowing Jekyll to cuff him, before David and Hook begin taking Hyde to the psychiatric ward. After Zelena is stripped of her magic when Regina takes her pendant, David nearly swings his sword at a flying monkey, who reverts to Little John. With the Blue Fairy's help, she reverts to human. Dirty-blond Dr. Whale comes back from checking up on Greg and says the man is bleeding into his chest cavity. During the engagement party, he offers to dance with her, but she complains about wearing uncomfortable shoes. They agree to help and then take drive with Maleficent to the town line, where they witness Lily fly off in dragon form. Changed over helping Hercules with his unfinished business, Mary Margaret talks about the person she once was, someone who took risks even when she was afraid. "Snow there's something I want to talk to you about," Regina said once they were alone. After stopping Isaac from leaving town, he and Mary Margaret learn he set them up in the past to hurt Lily because he hated the heroes that they reminded of in his own life who have pushed him around. While spending time at the diner, David and Mary Margaret overhear Neal inviting Emma to lunch tomorrow. Emma is wracked with guilt. Regina teaches Emma how to use and control her magic so that she and Regina's magic together might be able to defeat Zelena. Zelena then creates a cyclone, but her magic gets severely drained, giving Regina the chance to render her powerless again, while David grabs hold of Zelena. Though Emma wishes to face Zelena alone, David convinces her that Hook should go along as well. ("Broken Heart"), Learning Hook has unleashed the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld, David goes with his wife in search of him, while everyone else splits up to cover more ground. Seeing as Kristoff is the only person he knows from that place, David guesses she knows him, too. Discovering a holly berry on the room, he pinpoints the plant's location in the northwestern region past the Toll Bridge. David decides not to; hoping the problem can be easily fixed by Tinker Bell's pixie dust. Species: ("And Straight On 'Til Morning"), As they sail towards the island of Neverland, David and Mary Margaret approach Emma to comfort her over losing Henry and Neal. ("Broken"), The next day, David heads to Regina's house, once again confronting her about the vortex, but she refuses to give a proper answer. David and the others subsequently take a stance against Mr. Gold by drawing their weapons. Suspecting Mr. Gold is up to no good, Emma and Mary Margaret confront him as he carries out his plan to crush Hook's heart, but it is Belle who forces him, with the real dagger, to stop. Prince James (Brother-In-Law) However, Regina refuses, and David goes to Archie for advice on his blackouts. He is also an allusion to Flynn Rider from the Disney film Tangled. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth getting your heart ripped out for here. With David's encouragement, Mr. Gold asks her out. Since Neal is still too little, Snow and David decide it's best he at least hear their voices, so they sing him a lullaby. She, disappointed in his lying, break up with him since now that everyone knows about their affair, it proves their relationship is destructive. Her parents become distressed by her dark words, but Emma reassures them that she is just trying to understand where Hook is coming from. Other information As David moves to reject the notion, Prince James' adoptive father King George pulls him aside to threaten to harm the farm and his mother if he does not comply. He catches up in time to save her from one of the Queen's knights. Arthur states it's rumored to be in the Forest of Eternal Night, though he is unsure if the toadstool is real. Hook arrives, dressed in normal attire, with his real hand restored due to Mr. Gold's help. Before Emma leaves for Skull Rock to stop Pan, she presses David and Mary Margaret to go back to Dead Man's Peak and retrieve more of the spring water as a necessity for the journey home. In the aftermath, they find Henry missing, and later witness Greg and Tamara taking him into a portal. Arriving at the Toll Bridge, David admits to Mary Margaret that he remembered his old life and wants to work on his marriage. AKA She had long wavy black hair and green eyes. However, Emma is in convinced and instead thinks Mr. Gold has something to do with the situation. The Evil Queen crashes into the room just as the couple is joined in matrimony. He is the main reality version of Prince Charming (Wish Realm). Despite it all, Elsa secretly refuses to give up on her sister, and she hands Emma a pouch containing rocks rather than the pendant. They later start to grow to friends. Ruth, the twins' mother, doesn't want the deal, but Robert accepts because he knows they cannot manage the farm and keep two young children fed and healthy throughout the harsh winter. Status Emma believes she can help them quicker with magic if they remove her cuff, but her family or friends refuse, not trusting that the darkness won't influence her to do bad things. Season(s) ("The Doctor"), One night, Henry awakens screaming from a horrible nightmare, causing David to rush to his bedside to comfort him. The couple decide they must prevent it by destroying Maleficent's ashes, and before they go, Emma tells them about seeing security footage of Cruella and Ursula steal the box. As they talk, Bo Peep arrives to collect payment. Solid lines denote parent-child blood relationships, Dashed lines denote marriages, engagements, adoptions, and relationships that result in offspring, Emma Swan and Baelfire/Neal Cassidy have never married. 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