president nelson hear him personal revelation

What I know now is that the Prophet wants each of us, and all of Heavenly Fathers children, to experience for ourselves what happens when we respond to invitations large and small. The words of Christ tell [us] all things what [we] should do (2 Nephi 32:2)., Prayer requires initiative, so we humble ourselves before God, find a quiet place where we can regularly go, and pour out our hearts to Him.. If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must learn to receive revelation. With billions of words online and in a marketing-saturated world constantly infiltrated by noisy, nefarious efforts of the adversary, where can we go to hear Him? Because when we seek to heartruly hearHis Son, we will be guided to know what to do in any circumstance. The topic has also been a focus of devotionals and events for youth and young adults. Write the thoughts that come to your mind. He had questions regarding the salvation of his soul and trusted that God would direct him. During the Sunday morning session of general conference, that strong impression returned. Earthquakes, fires, floods, plagues, and their aftermaths have disrupted routines and caused shortages of food, staples, and savings. In our meetings, the majority never rules! In February 2020, President Russell M. Nelson extended an invitation to Church members as we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the First Vision to think deeply and often about how we hear the Savior in our own lives. Even in the midst of COVID, with so much shut down, we still seem to lead busy and hectic lives, where it feels like we need to rush forward to the next thing, but President Nelson reminds us that seeking revelation involves something else after we have prayed: If we will stay on our knees for a while after we finish our prayer, thoughts, feelings, and direction will come into our mind. As Jesus told His disciples, Iniquity shall abound before His return (Joseph SmithMatthew 1:30). Soon we may be able to choose to fill that time again with the noise and commotion of the world. See RussellM. Nelson, Sweet Power of Prayer, Ensign or Liahona, May 2003, 78. With Moroni, I exhort you on this Easter Sabbath to come unto Christ, and lay hold upon every good gift,15 beginning with the gift of the Holy Ghost, which gift can and will change your life. Without our Redeemers infinite Atonement, not one of us would have hope of ever returning to our Heavenly Father. Sarah Jane Weaver inquired, So what do you know now that you didnt know before? I confess I wasnt ready for the question and flailed at a couple of generic answers that just didnt convey what I was suddenly feeling. Have you ever wondered why the Lord wants us to make our homes the center of gospel learning and gospel living? As faith and holiness decrease in this fallen world, your need for holy places will increase. You might initially wish you could go back to 2019 and stay there! Do whatever it takes to increase your spiritual capacity to receive personal revelation. In the Old Testament, the word hearken is translated from the Hebrew shama, which is a strong verb that means to listen with the intent to obey. Hearken is a scriptural word that occurs in 40 sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Amid the losses we have experienced, there are also some things we have found. Millions throughout the world have embraced a knowledge of these prophesied events. What a glorious privilege it has been to celebrate Easter with you on this Sunday of general conference! He sought personal revelation, and his seeking opened this last dispensation. However, your commitment to make your home your primary sanctuary of faith should never end. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Lorenzo Snow (2012), 76. I learned much from each of them. President Nelson also offered a specific, practical approach in his recent message. This Church is anchored in the perfect life of its chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ, and in His infinite Atonement and literal Resurrection. President Nelson's emphatic invitation to "Hear Him" first issued on social media in February and repeated in subsequent general conference addresses is an echoed plea of his counsel to Latter-day Saints to do "whatever it takes" to increase spiritual capacity to receive revelation. But the message of Easter and the promise of resurrection sustained me. I adored my parents. We wondered if a monument should be erected. Are youwillingto have your will swallowed up in His?, President Nelson linked arms with civil rights, business and government leaders in addressing social unrest, racism, prejudice and bigotry. During subsequent generations, however, not all my ancestors remained so committed. In this vision, he learned that following the death of the original Apostles, Christs New Testament Church was lost from the earth. Commotion in the world will continue to increase. One of the most powerful ways to hear the Lords voice is through music, Young Women General President Bonnie H. Cordon said during the first ever Youth Music Festival held July 29. The more I can hear Him, the more of an effective instrument I will be to bring others to that same love that I feel, she wrote in a blog post on May 14. They point the way as we make our way through the heart-wrenching maze of our mortal experiences. It will be filled with opportunities for each of us to progress, contribute, and take the gospel to every corner of the earth. He invites all of us to come unto Him and His Church, to receive the Holy Ghost, the ordinances of salvation, and to gain enduring joy. Since the Church was organized, only five proclamations have been issued, with the last being The Family: A Proclamation to the World, presented by President GordonB. Hinckley in 1995. Early in Elder Dale G. Renlunds marriage, his wife, Sister Ruth Renlund, became ill with cancer. Brothers and sisters, how can we become the men and womenthe Christlike servantsthe Lord needs us to be? The earth will never again be the same, as God will gather together in one all things in Christ (Ephesians 1:10). While some have suffered more than others, we have all been challenged in some way. How I love and honor him! Then, at yesterday mornings solemn assembly, members of the Church throughout the world raised their hands to confirm the earlier action taken by the Apostles. We affirm that under the direction of the Father and the Son, heavenly messengers came to instruct Joseph and reestablish the Church of Jesus Christ. Now, my dear brothers and sisters, consider the fact that in these three instances just mentioned, just before the Father introduced the Son, the people involved were in a state of fear and, to some degree, desperation. I promise that as you increase your time in temple and family history work, you will increase and improve your ability to hear Him. During the pandemic, Sunday quorum meetings were canceled for a time. It means you will never be left comfortless or without access to the power of God to help you. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. With reverence and gratitude, we as His Apostles invite all to knowas we dothat the heavens are open. For all whose health may permit, let us fast, pray, and unite our faith once again,said President Russell M. Nelson in his Saturday evening general conference address. As Elder NealA. Maxwell taught, To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it is clear that the Father and the Son are giving away the secrets of the universe!13. When I recently faced the daunting task of choosing two counselors, I wondered how I could possibly choose just two from twelve men whom I love and respect. Here are a few of the things he has told us recently as he reflects the Lord's word to us: Over the course of eight weeks, the Hear Himstudy guides eight chapters provide many opportunities to find that spiritual guidance by covering topics such as Aligning Our Will with Gods and Understanding the Lords Timing, with an ultimate goal of making personal revelation a more integrated part of everyday life. Ordained Apostles of Jesus Christ always testify of Him. Through the manifestations of the Holy Ghost, the Lord will assist us in all our righteous pursuits. There are few pursuits more important than this. "I assure you that revelatory guidance can be received by each of us as we humbly labor in the Lord's vineyard. When I arrived, I could see that Elder Hales had taken a serious turn for the worse. Doctrine and Covenants 87:8; emphasis added. Read it for yourself and see if it can direct you as you move forward on the path toward hearing the Lords voice through the Spirit on a regular basis in your lives. Apply: Advice from leaders and chart space to put down your thoughts and ideas. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Through the years, great and marvelous things have been heard from dedicated pulpits across the earth. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lords Church. As a result, I was not raised in a gospel-centered home. Amidst all of this, we commend you and thank you for choosing to hear the word of the Lord during this time of turmoil by joining with us for general conference. It is no different in our day. That evening, however, the Spirit spoke to my heart and mind that I should return to the hospital on Sunday. Including the ultimate invitation he received from the Savior of the world to, Come follow me and I will make you a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19). Take time to ponder what you hear and feel when you are there. The constant availability of social media and a 24-hour news cycle bombard us with relentless messages. For the second time in as many weeks, Latter-day Saints and all others were called to join in a worldwide fast. I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable thingsthat which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.12, Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know. Twice in the early days of the pandemic, President Nelson invited all the world to join in a fast. So, one day when I was very young, I went to our basement and smashed on the concrete floor every bottle of liquor! Open your heart to God in prayer. You do not need to have a reason or a message or business to transact. You and I can use this unique time as an opportunity to hear Him. , When you truly know that He sees you, He knows you, and He loves you, you can understand that you are not isolated. Still others have lost a sense of peace or hope for the future. She and I were blessed with nine splendid daughters and one precious son. Following steps that President Nelson has provided for us and filled with counsel from Latter-day leaders, this guided study book will help you increase your own spiritual capacity to receive revelation. President Russell M. Nelson speaks at the conclusion of the Sunday morning session of general conference on April 5, 2020. What an anchor to our souls are these truths, especially during these times when the tempest is raging. As we wrestle with complex matters, a thrilling process unfolds as each Apostle freely expresses his thoughts and point of view. It has been translated into 12 languages. They meant the world to me and taught me crucial lessons. You may have found stronger relationships with your loved ones and with the Lord. He is the Comforter. Humble yourself! Credit: Provided by Brigham Young University Museum of Art. Each of these blessings has come as a result of seeking and heeding the promptings of the Holy Ghost. He lays out a pattern that Joseph Smith demonstrated to us by example. I loved learning about the gospel. All rights reserved. President Nelson reminds us that we are particularly in need of this divine, personal guidance in the times we live in: Physical and spiritual tempests are a part of life on the earth, as the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us. To be sure, there may be times when you feel as though the heavens are closed. Elder Ulisses Soares and his wife, Sister Rosana Soares, speak to youth worldwide during the Youth Music Festival on July 29, 2020. Credit: Screenshot The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Drawn to the promise of James that if we lack wisdom we may ask of God,8 the boy Joseph took his question directly to Heavenly Father. Find a quiet place where you can regularly go. Yes! He didnt hear a voice or see angels, but it had an impact within his heart that has never left him. Experience with joy the righteousness you will bring to pass as you are anxiously engaged in a good cause.12 Quorums are in a unique position to accelerate the gathering of Israel on both sides of the veil. Nothing could be more fitting than to commemorate the most important event that ever occurred on this earth by worshipping the most important being who ever walked this earth. In a powerful and instructive general conference address, President Nelson invited us to Let God Prevail in our lives. As part of the Churchs #HearHim initiative, Elder Gerrit W. Gong posted a video on his social media channels and wrote a blog post on staying close to the Savior Jesus Christ during times of loneliness. Your love of and faith in the Savior may very well be the catalyst for someone to discover the Restoration of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can also hear Him in the temple. Areyouwilling to let God be the most important influence in your life? We solemnly proclaim that God loves His children in every nation of the world. God uttered this plea while introducing His Son to Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration; to the Nephites in ancient Bountiful; and to Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove. He invited us to minister in the Saviors higher, holier way. President Nelson as a young boy with family. And I promise that your capacity to feel joy will increase, even if turbulence increases in your life.. As Sarah Jane Weaver skillfully moved our conversation through many of these invitations from the Prophet during 2020, I found my mind racing to a host of other invitations he has extended during the nearly three years he has served as our Heavenly Fathers prophet to the world. He is our Savior, our Exemplar, and our Redeemer. [2] Marion G. Romney, "Prayer and Revelation," Ensign, May 1978. He was willing to suffer for the sins and weaknesses of each of us, which suffering caused Him to bleed at every pore.1 He was crucified on Calvarys cross2 and rose the third day as the first resurrected being of our Heavenly Fathers children. We should be quick to observe and quick to act upon such prophetic and inspired invitations. I renew my plea for you to do whatever it takes to increase your spiritual capacity to receive personal revelation." 1 -President James E. Faust: " Our ___________ lies in paying heed to that which he says and following his counsel." (safety) We experience what the Prophet Joseph Smith knew when he taught, By union of feeling we obtain power with God.7 No member of the First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve would ever leave decisions for the Lords Church to his own best judgment! God lives! The future is bright for Gods covenant-keeping people.16 The Lord will increasingly call upon His servants who worthily hold the priesthood to bless, comfort, and strengthen mankind and to help prepare the world and its people for His Second Coming. In a February 2020 social media post, President Nelson extended an invitation tied to the 200th anniversary of the First Vision. As you repeat this process day after day, month after month, year after year, you will grow into the principle of revelation.9, Does God really want to speak to you? The Nephites were afraid because they had been through destruction and darkness for several days. Often when the Lord warns us about the perils of the last days, He counsels thus: Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved.2 These holy places certainly include the Lords temples and meetinghouses. Daily immersion in the word of God is crucial for spiritual survival, especially in these days of increasing upheaval. When we convene as a Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, our meeting rooms become rooms of revelation. In the January 2021 issue of the Liahona magazine, President Russell M. Nelson shares an inspiring message on continuing in our quest to recognize the voice of the Lord in our lives in a message entitled, Grow into the Principle of Revelation. This applies to everyone, wherever they may be the taxi driver in Calcutta, the engineer in London, the elementary school child in Ghana and the farmer in Chile, he wrote in a June 21 blog post. Sustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers, BishopsShepherds over the Lords Flock, What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget, Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains, Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost. The last time we held a priesthood session of general conference was in April 2019. And I promise that your capacity to feel joy will increase even if turbulence increases in your life. In doing so, they could know what he wants from them as they live out their lives. . Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. You, my brothers and sisters, are among those men, women, and children whom Nephi saw. Every minute of that time will bless you and your family in ways nothing else can. President Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society general president, is featured in the Churchs How I Hear Him video series. But as we considered the unique historic and international impact of that First Vision, we felt impressed to create a monument not of granite or stone but of wordswords of solemn and sacred proclamationwritten, not to be carved in tables of stone but rather to be etched in the fleshy tables of our hearts.14. We testify that those who prayerfully study the message of the Restoration and act in faith will be blessed to gain their own witness of its divinity and of its purpose to prepare the world for the promised Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.. While traveling around the world, Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said he has felt the Holy Ghost testify to him that God is mindful of all of His children. We listen prayerfully to one another and talk with each other until we are united. 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