So, I invite you to see for yourselves. So, today Im inviting you to stop trying to identify the DIVINE MYSTERY as an individual person in these parables. Why did they repeat these stories over and over again? The texts contained in this site are unofficial. By John van de Laar|2023-02-22T21:53:14+02:00Feb 22nd, 2023|Categories: Daily Worship|, THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK When it comes to life, the Bible is clear that we can only be most fully alive when we are deeply and meaningfully connected with others. And after the fire came a still small voice., A still small voice. Our English translations do not do the HEBREW justice. More Worship Resources. You are holy, O God of Life, and holy is Jesus Christ, your Son, the resurrected One. Too, many Hollywood movies, inspired me to flirt with violence as I yearned for some secret agents to take him out. Disco dancing is one thing, but being slain in the SPIRIT, well lets just say, Theres a reason Im a Lutheran pastor. CHRIST was sent to die for you!. Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and his reputation spread throughout the region. your love came also to us in your servant Jesus. The number crunchers tell us that Bezos hubristic space jaunt cost him 5.5 billion dollars for 4 minutes in space, which kinda makes a ticket on Bransons Virgin Galactic sound like a bargain. Continue reading . Continue reading . var thisact = jQuery('#submission-action').val(); Today! They were both more than a little relieved to have Grandmas calming presence. Tis the season of resurrection. If theres one thing Ive learned after nearly a quarter of a century of preaching on the subject of resurrection, its that when it comes to resurrection, we look for what we have been conditioned to see. Many: On this day, we embrace faith by committing to love in action. Yes, the shepherd should have been guarding the 99. If you have not donated yet, please do so today. Humans wrote the Bible; God wrote the rocks. rising you restored our life. easter with prayers and blessings for easter services. Im afraid that sacrificing more than just a pittance of my own wealth and privilege wont accomplish much more than landing me among povertys captives. Killer whales. Where truth has left its sketches on the slate below the ground. But like the indignant disciples of old, do we actually see the role we are playing in this race to escape the limitations of our one and only planet? I am the only one left, and now theyre trying to kill me, too. Elohim (thats an ancient Hebrew word which we translate simply as God or Lord. We will never know what actually happened two thousand years ago, we will always. How dare I claim freedom from the old-manin the sky-god only to embrace half-baked notions of a MYSTERY which is called LOVE, as if LOVE is the answer? } I will only attempt to take you where this story took me out there on the ice of Lake Simcoe. If it doesnt is it my heart or is it the worship that is dead? And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. In my sacred imagination, I can see the Apostle Paul smiling and nodding. Father's Day Video "Foster Kid Father's Day". Youre not a lost sheep, or a lost coin, or even a lost child. Believing, as Jesus believed, that beyond pain and darkness and death, As for seeing the face of CHRIST in our enemies, let us try. Pinging is currently not allowed. It was as if my whole being was alive. The word literally translates as EL the generic term for a god, put together with the feminine form of the word for majesty so clearly LORD is not a correct translation for ELOHIM the God who is described as more than one QUEEN?) Entering the synagogue on the Sabbath, as was his habit, Jesus stood up to do the reading. if ( '' != thisact ) { It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give you our thanks and praise, O God! Then Grandma rubbed little Crystals back, held her close and gentle, but firmly said: Let it go, child. Our focus upon preserving the church gets in the way of our rebirth! But in my heart of hearts, I know that I must learn to see the face of CHRIST in my enemy. There werent many of us who made the effort. SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Lent 3, Cross Purposes: SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Lent 2, Change Your Life: SALTS Lectionary Commentary for Lent 1, What Freedom Is For: SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Epiphany Week 5, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Mark 1, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Mark 1:29-39, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Isaiah 40:21-31, What Is Salvation? Let us metanoia Let us think new thoughts about who Jesus was and why Jesus died. Amen. He conveyed to us the importance of love and compassion. Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. It empowers us to hope in the coming resurrection and new life. Would leave ninety-nine sheep to look for one lost sheep. So, the next morning I rose early, and as the mist was rising over the water I paddled out toward the mouth of the bay and waited. We covenant to love as Jesus the Christ loved us- loving our neighbors as ourselves. In the face of the pastors shouts, I stood as still as I could muster. A Liturgical and Devotional Guide for Lent When we face pain and suffering, we often feel like we become less than human. You can peruse my notes for the service in the pdf of my missal here. The delight of new awareness can be a prelude to a life lived inthe mellow light of love. If we begin with what is actually happening in these parables, we will have to confess that these parables of the lost and the found are simply outrageous. healed those who believed in him, received all who sought him. I dont know how to stop this loop from playing. Oh, how I miss those Sunday closings! Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia! (I have searched for the source of this story, withoutsuccess. But they will not be tears cried in vain. The term liturgy merely means "the . This dear friends is what it means for you and me to sit at Jesus side. Pray deeply, reverently, and then fast-forward to the music. They all knew the dangers of traveling to Jerusalem. Do this in remembrance of me." Repent from the Greek word metanoia made up of two Greek words: meta which means, beyond and noos which means mind. Metanoia is an invitation to move beyond your current way of thinking. The SPIRIT of DIVINITY is within all Creation, permeating all of the Cosmos! We trust that with your grace present, even the smallest act of kindness, the shortest practice of goodness, or the slightest gesture of generosity can have significance well beyond all expectations. The occupying Roman forces not only publicly executed their teacher as a warning to any of Jesus would be followers,The Roman Empire, crucified as many dissenters as they could catch. I dont think that Jesus, or his followers, or Luke, told these parables in order to teach their listeners about the character of YAHWEH. Hosanna in the highest. MEDITATION ON THE BREATH OF LIFE (Psalm 46:10a) Needed: a leader to welcome the people and lead the meditation. jQuery('#submit-action').click(); My words are not up to the task of describing CHRIST weeping in this way. We all must take care of ourselves. The story I want to tell you comes from the Irish author Frank McCourts autobiography entitled Tis. We celebrate the table in which we can join together with friends and strangers, loved ones and enemies. The response is Alithos Aneste! var thisact = jQuery('#submission-action').val(); You can see it in the reckless passion of justice-seekers fighting for affordable housing, equitable healthcare, and food security. Jean and I have studied the historical Jesus in depth and found him to be someone who had a powerful impact on the world because of his radical perception: He modeled for us how to live in the Truth and stand up for justice. 4 0 obj It wasnt until the 15th century that the flatness of the Earth was seriously challenged by the likes of Columbus. We are smart. Is that right?, Crystal was a little breathless from all the crying she had been doing and all she could manage was a whimpered, Mmm hummm. Honey, tell grandma the truth now. Christ is risen! 3:7 Little children, let no one deceive you. Life is somehow stronger than death. [on the night before he died, Jesus took bread, and after giving thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: The concluding prayer of thanksgiving was (heavily) adapted from a prayer by Katherine Hawker. So, longing to escape the confines of my cozy isolation, out onto to the ice I trudged, as the cold air sharpened my vision. There are flowers in the sanctuary during Lent! None of these parables is the stuff of everyday loss. Support our mission with a tax-deductible donation! The PROMISED ONE has come not to be served, but to serveto give a ransom for the many. Sure, it is easy to scoff at billionaires squandering their ill-gotten gains on momentary flights of fancy. Ready: Perhaps some will ask, How are the dead to be raised up? Give us today our daily bread. I share these tears with you knowing full well that tears wont put an end to war, nor will they end our constant reliance upon violence to maintain a fragile peace. One: It is through our neighbors and creation that we see the rising of Christ, O God. we stand against the powers of sin and death. They were big giant killer whales, and we knew that we were their lunch. It is right. now we cry to our King immortal, who, triumphant, burst the bars of the tomb'sdark portal; "Alleluia!" So, let me get to the point, so that those who like nothing better than to use the Bible to bludgeon anyone who dares to stray from their narrow understanding of the text, they can simply hit ALL CAPS in their keyboards, without having to read any further. Jesus reveals CHRIST. Repent: Metanoia: to think new thoughts Let us repent, metanoia Let us think new thoughts. People: First, by his resurrection he has overcome death, so that he might make us share in therighteousness he won for us by his death.Second, by his power we tooare already now resurrected to a new life.Third, Christ's resurrectionis a guarantee of our glorious resurrection.This is our faith and hope. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of our God. We can be transfigured by the face of CHRIST which is revealed to us through the tears of all who suffer the ravages of injustice. Frame 17: Look for the resurrections in your life. %PDF-1.5 Repent: Metanoia: to think new thoughts Let us repent, metanoia Let us think new thoughts. Let us pray: May each of us be aware of the Spirit of God within us today and respond to the Good News, we pray. This page features the work of the Liturgy Commission of the Anglican Church of Australia. window.location.replace(''); For none of us can do this kind of relentless, reckless abandon constantly. In the eating of this bread, as Christs body, and in the sharing of this cup, as Christs blood, This time also allows a moment for the congregation to "get settled" and ready to hear God's written word. Happy are we to be called to this Eucharistic celebration. I find the stories of the empty tomb hard to take in. And swim we did all the way back to shore. 1 Corinthians 15. Occasionally, I was able to hear Jesus say, Have you believed because you have seen me? Nothing was said until dinner the next day, by which time Steve and Anna had been back to church twice. Anna explained that unless, I was prepared to be born again, under the tutelage of her pastor, I would need to find someplace else to live. This is my song, O God of all the nations, a song of peace for lands afar and mine; this is my home, the country where my heart is; here are my hopes, my dreams, my . (from Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 45). Sign up for an account and get your newsletters right away! Click HERE to DOWNLOAD the Worship Bulletin, ONE with the LOVE which permeates the Cosmos! Amen. The eradication of poverty is the work of LOVE in the world, this world, here and now, on this wonderful bountiful planet, upon which there is already more than enough to nourish abundant life for all. Resist making the characters in these parables all about us. History should have taught us by now that that justice and not violence is the way to peace. The Earth was flat. If the sacrament is not to be celebrated, the service may conclude with PartV.). Accept our praise and thanksgiving, When I was an amateur wrestler, I was a world-class champion wrestler. But suddenly, those who had waited in silence saw the egg crack and a phoenix bird emerge and immediately fly away into the mysterious nothingness leaving the seekers sitting in the broken shells of their religious presuppositions and carefully crafted ceremonies. Let me say it right up front: Yes, I do deny the resurrection! I deny the resurrection. The followers of Jesus stood up and got on with the business which was begun by Jesus. Our continued evolution relies upon our ability to metanoia, to move beyond primitive ways of thinking. To be ransomed from our very selves, ransomed from the fear which holds us captive to empires built on the backs of the poor. Maybe if we are unwilling to fight, all we can do is join our tears to the tears of that little Ukrainian family. Others stretched the wings of their spirituality and flew off into the magic darkness joyfully singing: All will be well and all manner of things shall be well! (Julian of Norwich). Resurrection is about seeing behind and beyond death, ugliness, injustice, pain and despair. Especially not when the Pastor insisted that there were sinners in need of prayer and headed over to the two of us and gathered us all in a prayer, a like no prayer, Id ever been part of. Yesterday, when the sun was in the same position in the sky as it is now, we insisted that it was an hour later. In LOVE, we are ransomed from our fear, ransomed from our arrogance and ransomed from our self-centredness, set free to trust the MYSTERY which is LOVE so that we to might live the way of LOVE, so that we might be LOVE in the world, here on this planet. jQuery(document).on('change', '#submission-action', function(){ sermon 4 Giving Up God for Lent John 3:16, GOD IS DEAD! My predicament often makes it difficult for me to appreciate the beauty of the heirloom. Gig Harbor, WA 98335 One morning when I was about 13 and my brother was 9 and a half, we were going at it, and to his credit my bother had me in an ingenious hold. Alas, if only. Seeking out the darkest place, to better see the light. "Ground Us and Grow Us in Love," rtf or pdf file of liturgy at Worship Ways. Your email address will not be published. Holy, gracious, God, } The response is Alithos Aneste! Christ is risen! It is long past time for us to move beyond arguments about a physical resuscitation of Jesus body. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.. Let us give thanks to our Creator. Because when you look at the shepherd, the woman, and the father in these parables, they come do come off as reckless fools, unless they are risking all that they have for the sake of something worth risking everything for. There is so much more we can do and offer our readership with your support! Hosanna in the highest. Add to Bin. The writings of the Apostle Paul contain the earliest writings that we have on the subject of the Resurrection. I thought, or hoped, sometimes even believed that the myth of redemptive violence could no longer tempt me. "Our Father". I have come that you might have life and live it abundantly.. What can Jesus teach us about God? One of the authors of the Book of Genesis described creation like this : And God said, Let there be afirmamentin the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made thefirmament and divided the waters which were under thefirmamentfrom the waters which were above thefirmament: and it was so. Before the congregation hears the weekly scripture readings, the Prayer for Illumination turns our attention to God to ask that we hear God's word in order to better know God's will for our lives. Welcome to the liturgy of The Namaste Church! Only a fool would be such a steward as this. Surrounded by a treasured family heirloom, desperately clinging to a treasure. But because I had been forced to grapple with something I could not at the time reconcile with the person of Jesus whom I loved. . Easter is the festival of the irrepressible God whom not even death can contain. <> We lift them up to God. Thanks be to all that is HOLY! and to the one in the 1789 English Moravian Hymnal. Because if the dead are not raised, then Christ is not raised, and if Christ is not raised, your faith is worthless. Nor were they trying to teach us to live as reckless fools. We jumped into the rubber dingy, and we paddled as fast as we could, determined to chase whales. jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13. We are gradually adding liturgies and liturgy ideas to our site. Non-violent resistance is dangerous. Sunday between November 27 and December 3. But we do know that whatever happened it transformed a people hiding from the endless violence into courageous followers of a Way of Being in the world which death could not destroy. view on video. To ask the question of whether the resurrection is true, and to mean by this that only a resurrected corpse constitutes such proof, is to impose the standards of the modern mind upon a pre-scientific culture of myth and magic. Only a fool would welcome home with joy and abandon a wayward child who had used, rejected, dishonoured, and then returned only to try to use them again. Why they decided to cut your off before you made your point, well thats a sermon for another day. }); Join thousands of others like you who are contributing their voice to Progressive Christianity and list your church, organization or yourself in our global directory. In his new book, Unbelievable, our friend, Jack Spong writes: The laws by which the world operates have not changed since the dawn of time, but the way human beings explain and understand those laws has changed dramatically over the centuries of human history. Jack has a way of reminding us of the obvious. We must be punished. Then Grandma rubbed little Crystals back, held her close and gently, but firmly said: Let it go, child. One of the whales rose out of the water and as she came crashing down, I marveled at the magnificence of this beast. Crystal sobbed. As the embodiment of LOVE, LOVE ensures that Jesus never dies. 2023, A Joyful Path, Childrens Curriculum Sample Lessons for Years One, Two and Three, Find Faith Communities Using A Joyful Path, The Core Values of Progressive Christianity, Bishop Spong Newsletter Progressing Spirit, Advertising on Hell, I dont want to see it. You responded with grace, humility, and welcome. The storyteller writes: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Sign up for an account and get your newsletters right away! Think for a moment. Odd, long-vanished creatures and their tracks & shells are found; What might we wealthy followers of Jesus be prepared to pay to serve the needs of those held captive to the financial empire of our time? We are privileged. Sure, we know there are still problems in the world. Ice and water below me, the Sun shining before me, and behind me the Moon rising, all holding me in the embrace of a Cosmos the likes of which exceeds the farthest horizon of my ability to comprehend. It was the summer of 1978, when twenty-somethings like myself, we couldnt get enough of the Bee Gees and their Disco tunes. Send us your: ResourceEventNewsIdeasnow Think about it, Jeff Bezos net worth is estimated at just shy of 200 billion dollars. As for that little Ukrainian family, what do we do in the wake of their tears? Not even our fear, even fear expressed in domination, greed, hatred and violence, not even fear of death, can kill the LOVE which lies at the very heart of all that is, and rises again and again, whenever and wherever, arrogance is ransomed by humility, fear is ransomed by courage, hatred is ransomed by kindness, violence is ransomed by justice, war is ransomed by peace, greed is ransomed by generosity, and self-centredness is ransomed by service to others. Furthermore, I suspect that you do to. The followers of Jesus were lifted up from a crouching or cowering position as they boldly proclaimed what they had learned from Jesus. We take wine and drink, as Jesus invited his friends to drink, Life finds a way. Offering of Gifts(Ordinarily the Lord's Supper will follow; during the offertory the table xoill be prepared. Ask congregation if they have any resurrections they would like to share. We rejoice that Jesus lives on, as we all will, in the reality we call God. Pain and suffering perpetrated by our species vain conviction that violence is the way to peace. I do know that the followers of Jesus held dear their vison of Jesus, in whom they saw the CHRIST. How solid? I suspect that pulling brothers together who have genuine axes to grind is the kind of recklessness that is worth the risk, if those siblings can learn to work together to pursue justice. My friend and radical theologian Peter Rollin says it much better than I ever could. Amen. These parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost sons, point us in a direction of a way of being in the world characterized by foolish and passionate abandon. But I suspect that like the sons of Zebedee, who earned renown by jockeying for privileged positions, the powerful images of an aging Captain James Kirk and his merry band of billionaires will earn far more renown than the 150 million poor souls who are about to slip into poverty as a result of the COVID pandemic. (During the distribution Scripture may be read or the congregation may sing songs such as the following: "He Is Lord," "Abba, Father," "Eat This Bread," "In the Quiet Consecration"). Jesus vision of peace through justice, what he called the BASILEIA ton THEON, the Empire of GOD, is the already but not yet SHALOM we long to find. It occurred to me the other day, that it is quite peculiar that most of what has been written about Jesus in the New Testament and indeed our liturgies, even the hymns we sing about Jesus they tend to shift our focus to Jesus death. O Little Town of Bethlehem - Spoken Word - Christmas Mini Movie. and proclaim the Resurrected Christ who offers life to all. Our friend, Dom Crossan makes the point that, it is not that those ancient people told literal stories and we are now smart enough to take them symbolically, but that they told them symbolically and we are now dumb enough to take them literally. I believe that in order to understand the power of this particular story of resurrection we must move beyond simplistic literal explanations and open ourselves to the more-than-literal symbolic dare I say it, spiritual understanding of resurrection. The LOVE which is the SACRED MYSTERY which is the LOVE that we call GOD. Or perhaps it is that both are dead. On this the Feast Day of Saint Francis, an evening prayer service with texts from St. Francis. These tiny, humble, wordless things how shall they tell us lies? I had three jobs, but back in the day, the grocery store, and the Legion Hall, where I worked as a cashier and a waitress, they closed on Sundays. I know that we wont solve it in time to save Ukraine. The parts of the service preceding the text in UMH are guided by a bulletin or by announcement. So, let us repent. Lift up your hearts. yet again to the Spirit raising. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Father's Day Service Outline and Ideas. None of us believe that we live in a three-tiered universe. He has served since October 2020 as priest-in-charge at St. John's Episcopal Church in Passaic, New Jersey. A natural body is sown, and a spiritual body is raised up. The spiritual resurrection which Paul describes gave birth to Christianity, within the Jewish context. We thank you, God, for the incredible gift of Jesus, the Word made flesh. Remember, should you have to choose between them in the strife, Easter Sunday Liturgy 4.12.20 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS EASTER ACCLAMATION P: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit . She looked at the miserable look on her grand-daughters face, and she said, Crystal, sweetheart. When we forgo our obsession with Jesus death and open ourselves to the passions of Jesus life, we begin to see new ways to understand the new images of the HOLY ONE that Jesus encouraged his followers to see. Nor can I believe that Jesus saw YAHWEH, the GREAT I AM as a fool. DONATE NOW! of our connectedness with God and with all people. Dont try to see yourself as a character in the story. The truth is Humpty Dumpty was not an egg. Fire came a still small voice., a still small voice., a still small.... Subject of the obvious perpetrated by our species vain conviction that violence is the way back to shore a small., we often feel like we become less than human resurrected one welcome the people lead... Natural body is raised up a physical resuscitation of Jesus, the shepherd should have taught us by now that. Those who believed in him, received all who sought him to raised! So much more we can do and offer our readership with your support champion wrestler, humble wordless... Primitive ways of thinking, in whom they saw the Christ loved us- loving our and... The power of the empty tomb hard to take in ; today comes in the story I want to you... 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