The National Science Foundation (NSF) issued new requirements for Current and Pending Support reporting and Biographical Sketches (Biosketches) that went into effect on October 4, 2021. . See 2 CFR 200.216, 200.471, PAPPG Chapter X.F, and the applicable award terms and conditions for additional information. If funds are requested for support of a small business industrial partner, the letter must certify that the small business industry partner meets the small businesses eligibility requirements listed above. (g) A separate submission must be provided for each active project/pending proposal as well as in-kind contributions using the format specified below. (f) if the proposal is for renewed support, a description of the relation of the completed work to the proposed work. For all eligible categories noted above, the supplemental funding request may include funding for up to six months of salary support or stipend for a maximum of $30,000 in direct costs of salary compensation or stipend, but the duration of the salary or stipend support may not exceed the duration of the family leave. Title: FP Smartform 1.1, #1 Full Title of . Visit the PAPPG (NSF Website)sitefor more information on significant changes. NSF regards research as one of the normal functions of faculty members at institutions of higher education. Such information must be provided in this section, in lieu of other parts of the proposal (e.g., Budget Justification, Project Description). Travel outside the areas specified above is considered foreign travel. Further instructions are provided in paragraph (iv) below. Invited proposals will be reviewed internally by the cognizant NSF Program Officers, the Ideas Lab panelists, and other external reviewers, as appropriate. To be a Project Director, Principal Investigator or to otherwise be responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of research regardless of title or position (e.g., an Investigator). Misrepresentations and/or omissions may be subject to prosecution and liability pursuant to, but not limited to, 18 U.S.C. NSF needs the information in the current and pending support section of the proposal to assess PI capacity and potential overlap/duplication. Such deviation authorizations must be uploaded as a single-copy document and include the name, date, and title of the NSF official, and the nature of the deviation authorized. A statement of the need for attending such a gathering and a list of topics; Information on the location and probable date(s) of the meeting; A statement of how the meeting will be organized and conducted, how the results of the meeting will be disseminated and how the meeting will contribute to the enhancement and improvement of scientific, engineering and/or educational activities; and. This support extends to the portion of the proposal developed to satisfy the broader impacts review criterion as well as the intellectual merit review criterion, and any additional review criteria specified in the solicitation. Such authorization must be provided either through approval specifically granted in the award notice or by receiving written prior approval from the cognizant NSF Grants and Agreements Officer after an award is issued. Equipment is defined as tangible personal property (including information technology systems) having a useful life of more than one year and a per-unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the proposer for financial statement purposes, or $5,000. The statement provided in SciENcv is as follows: By signing the certification, each PI and senior/key personnel, is certifying that the information is current, accurate, and complete. PIs are advised that they must submit a Concept Outline prior to submission of a planning proposal. To support additional personnel (e.g., a technician or research assistant) to sustain research while a postdoctoral researcher or graduate student being supported by NSF on the award is on family leave for either primary dependent care responsibilities or other direct family considerations. Plans for data management and sharing of the products of research, including preservation, documentation, and sharing of data, samples, physical collections, curriculum materials and other related research and education products should be described in the Special Information and Supplementary Documentation section of the proposal (see Chapter II.D.2.i(ii) for additional instructions for preparation of this section). ore detailed information about the content is available in the. Federally negotiated indirect cost rate(s). This site is an excellent resource regarding the conduct of human subjects research in an international setting. This includes, but is not limited to, information related to current, pending, and other support (both foreign and domestic) as defined in 42 U.S.C. In these programs, cost sharing requirements will be clearly identified in the solicitation and must be included on Line M of the proposal budget. Results from Prior NSF Support (up to five pages). A group travel proposal may request support only for the travel costs of the proposed activity. Rental of facilities and necessary equipment. Please use the links listed below for more information on each submitting offices deadline policies: Informational Training Module (Harvard HTP course), SciENcv tutorials (Harvard HTP course bundle), OSP: Preparing a Proposal (Harvard Website), HMS ORA: Proposal Development (Harvard Website), HSPH SPA: NSF Submissions (Harvard Website). (See 2 CFR 200.432, for additional information on the charging of certain types of costs generally associated with conferences supported by NSF.) For equipment proposals, the following must be provided for each auxiliary user: (2) List of up to five publications most closely related to the proposed acquisition. Proposals must include a document of no more than two pages uploaded under Data Management Plan in the supplementary documentation section of If known at the time of proposal submission, the intent to enter into such arrangements must be disclosed in the proposal. Funding of an International Branch Campus of a U.S. IHE (See Chapter I.E.1) If this box is checked, the proposer also must enter the name of the applicable country(ies) in the International Activities Country Name(s) box described below. The statement on broader impacts should describe the potential of the proposed activity to benefit society and contribute to the achievement of specific, desired societal outcomes. Synergistic activities must be specific and must not include multiple examples to further describe the activity. Examples may include: Synergistic activities must be specific and discrete. NSF 22-1 Significant Changes. (See Chapter II.D.2.f(v)). The Authorized Organizational Representative also affirms that the organization is able to fill the position for which funding is being requested, in an appropriate timeframe.". 2 CFR 200.331 provides characteristics of each type of arrangement to assist proposing organizations in making that determination. See Chapter II.E.3 for additional information on collaborative proposals. It should be noted that contributions derived from other Federal funds or counted as cost sharing toward projects of another Federal agency must not be counted towards meeting the specific cost sharing requirements of the NSF award. Biographical Sketch(es) of the person(s) who will have overall responsibility for maintenance and operation of the equipment and a brief statement of qualifications. The role of the selection panel is to provide advice on the selection of participants. The total amount of funds requested by the proposer. Government - sources. 3729-3733 and 3802. It should not be an abstract of the proposal. Any project proposing use of live vertebrate animals for research or education shall comply with the Animal Welfare Act (7 USC 2131, et seq.) Construction of the largest projects, major facilities, is typically supported through the Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) account. [11] See PAPPG Chapter II.D.2.i for additional information on submission of special information and supplementary documentation. Under this proposal type, academic scientists, and engineers request funding either in conjunction with a regular proposal submitted to a standing NSF program, unsolicited proposal, or as a supplemental funding request to an existing NSF-funded award. Note: The mandate to use SciENcv only for preparation of the biographical sketch will go into effect for new proposals submitted or due on or after October 23, 2023. PIs are cautioned, however, that the text must still be readable. Concept Outlines can be submitted either by email to a cognizant Program Officer or via the Program Suitability and Proposal Concept Tool (ProSPCT). The requirement to check the box only applies to the proposing organization that includes the international component. 3729-3733 and 3802. Career-Life Balance supplemental funding to existing awards may be requested as described below: Research award recipients may request supplemental funding: To support additional personnel (e.g., a technician or research assistant) to sustain research when the PI, co-PI, or other member of the senior personnel is on family leave for either primary dependent care responsibilities or other direct family considerations; and. Exhibit II-2 contains information on conflicts of interest that may be useful in preparation of this list. Note that the proposal may contain up to five pages to describe the results. (See Chapter II.D.2.f(vi)(e) for additional instructions on preparation of this type of proposal.). Additional information on the allowability of consultant or professional service costs is available in 2 CFR 200.459. However, if the primary purpose of the individuals attendance at the conference is learning and receiving training as a participant, then the costs may be included under participant support. Proposers are strongly encouraged to use only a standard, single-column format for the text. PIs will receive an email from the cognizant NSF program officer that specifies whether a full proposal may be submitted. Proposers should include an aggregated description of the internal and external resources (both physical and personnel) that the organization and its collaborators, and subawardees will provide to the project, should it be funded. Applicants are notified electronically of NSFs decision regarding whether they are invited or not invited to participate in the Ideas Lab. [41] Detailed instructions for the preparation and submission of collaborative proposals are available in If external review is to be obtained, then the PI will be informed in the interest of maintaining the transparency of the review and recommendation process. Other fonts not specified above, such as Cambria Math, may be used for mathematical formulas, equations, or when inserting Greek letters or special characters. Use of an indirect cost rate lower than the organizations current negotiated indirect cost rate is considered a violation of NSFs cost sharing policy. [29] See for information on obtaining an ORCID ID. RAISE proposals are not eligible for reconsideration, if declined. If it has been less than a year since a former employee separated from NSF or an IPA ended their appointment and they submit a proposal, documentation from the AOR needs to be included which designates a substitute negotiator for that proposal. to foster safe and harassment-free environments wherever science is conducted. for additional information on Single Copy Documents. Appointments and positions include any titled academic, professional, or institutional position whether or not remuneration is received, and whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). Entries that include multiple components are not permitted. (iii) All components of the collaborative proposal must meet any established deadline date, and failure to do so may result in the entire collaborative proposal being returned without review. [49] For purposes of this requirement, "other forms of harassment" is defined as "Non-gender or non-sex-based harassment of individuals protected under federal civil rights laws, as set forth in organizational policies or codes of conduct, statutes, regulations, or executive orders.". New version: NSF PAPPG (NSF 23-1) (NSF website) will be effective for submissions due on or after January 30, 2023. Requests for funds for equipment or assistance that compensate in a general way for the disabling condition are not permitted. *Location: Enter the City, State/Province, and Country where the primary organization is located. The instructions at the top of the template may be deleted, and rows may be inserted as needed to provide additional names[37]. Investigators and Key Personnel will provide a complete and accurate disclosure on their Biosketch and Current and Pending Support. Overlap, whether scientific, budgetary, or commitment of an individual's effort greater than 100 percent*, is not permitted. 0 Proposal Budget and Budget Justification: A budget and budget justification for the operation, maintenance, and administration of the proposed equipment (Chapter II.D.2.f should be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal). Funds may be requested to purchase special equipment, modify equipment, or provide services required specifically for the work to be undertaken. Proposers must be especially careful to follow accepted scholarly practices in providing citations for source materials relied upon when preparing any section of the proposal. The proposer cannot edit this form. (ii) The date of IACUC approval of the animal-use protocol covering the proposed work, if such approval has been granted prior to proposal submission, must be identified in the space provided. NSF does not negotiate rates for entities that do not yet hold direct NSF funding, nor does NSF negotiate rates for subrecipients. (viii) Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research. Conference Facilities. *Source of Support: Identify the entity(ies) that is/are providing the in-kind contribution. . (i) At least one industrial co-PI must be listed on the Cover Sheet at the time of submission. Proposers should describe only those resources that are directly applicable. This will aid in determining the appropriateness of the work for consideration under this type of proposal. which specifies Federal agencies are required to use the negotiated F&A rate that is in effect at the time of the initial award throughout the life of the sponsored agreement. Current all ongoing projects, or projects with ongoing obligations, from whatever source irrespective of whether such support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. Consultant Services and Speaker Fees. Adherence to font size and line spacing requirements also is necessary to ensure that no proposer will have an unfair advantage, by using smaller font or line spacing to provide more text in the proposal. Provide a list of: (i) up to five products most closely related to the proposed project; and (ii) up to five other significant products, whether or not related to the proposed project that demonstrate the senior persons qualifications to carry out the project as proposed. Costs of employees on travel status are limited to those specifically authorized by 2 CFR 200.475. A. Conformance with Instructions for Proposal Preparation, 1. A Table of Contents is automatically generated for the proposal. This budget category refers to direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with NSF-sponsored conferences or training projects. (See Chapter XI.J). If a decision is made to fund the proposal,the organization must provide a copy of the approval letter from the IACUC. The Richard A. and Susan F. Smith The NSF Proposal and Award Policies & Procedures Guide, and the 2011 National Science Board report on Merit Review Criteria outline how broader impacts come from your research: "Broader impacts may be accomplished through the . harm or potential harm to NSF, the Federal Government, U.S. taxpayers, and other national interests; the offenders knowledge of requirements; pattern of violation versus isolated incident; policies, procedures, and training available to the offender; and. Decisions on reasonable accommodations are made by the DPM, in concert with applicable agency officials and based on the information provided. When anticipated, the proposal budget justification must indicate the general types of expendable materials and supplies required. These strategies are integrated in the program planning and implementation process, of which proposal review is one part. The Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure within the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering oversees the allocation process for this system. Industry involvement assures that the research is industrially relevant. Information submitted in the following areas is not considered part of the 15-page Project Description limitation. The NSF* Current & Pending (C&P) Support document generated from the Current & Pending Tool in ERA is in the process of being updated to mirror the 2022 NSF PAPPG version of the NSF form, which adds two new sections for NSF C&Ps: Overall Objectives and Statement of Potential Overlap.However, the ERA update will not occur until later this Fall. *Statement of Potential Overlap: Provide a description of the potential overlap with any current or pending in-kind contribution and this proposal in terms of scope, budget, or person . Describe the potential overlap between this proposal and any pending proposal or current award in terms of scope, budget, or person months planned or committed. NSF formally negotiates indirect cost rates for the organizations for which NSF has rate cognizance. For the personnel categories listed below, the proposal also may include information on exceptional qualifications that merit consideration in the evaluation of the proposal. Planning proposals are not eligible for reconsideration, if declined. When anticipated, travel and its relation to the proposed activities must be specified, itemized, and justified by destination and cost. Proposers are strongly advised to review the applicable sections of Part I of the PAPPG pertinent to the type of proposal being developed prior to submission. Any costs proposed to an NSF project must be allowable, reasonable, and directly allocable to the supported activity. No NSF funds may be requested or spent for alcoholic beverages. This NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Summary Chart (NSF provided PDF) is a helpful reference outlining information regarding pre-award and post-award disclosure information in the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support proposal sections. Enter the City, State/Province, and Country where the organization is located. Where applicable, the box for Historic Places must be checked on the Cover Sheet. [16] Travel, meal, and hotel expenses of recipient employees who are not on travel status are unallowable. Refer toFederal Research Terms and Conditions (NSF Website). NIH provided detailed information on the updated biosketch and other support formats in NIH NOT-OD-21-073 released on March 12, 2021. GOALI proposals should focus on research that addresses shared interests by academic researchers and industrial partners. There are five separate categories of information which correspond to the five tables in the COA template: List the individuals last name, first name, middle initial, and organizational affiliation in the last 12 months. Foreign organizations that do not have a current U.S. 6605. It may take NSF up to two months or more to process such a request. Applicants also must include a Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support information (both of which must be prepared in accordance with standard NSF formatting guidelines). ], and the Endangered Species Act (16 USC 1531, et seq. For Concept Outlines that must be submitted via ProSPCT, users must have a valid account to access the tool. The Primary Place of Performance (PPoP) information will default to the organizations physical address. Special purpose or scientific use computers or associated hardware and software, however, may be requested as items of equipment when necessary to accomplish the project objectives and not otherwise reasonably available. After listing all support, you must summarize for each individual any potential overlap with the active or pending projects and the application in terms of the science, budget, or an individual's committed effort". NSF requires a separate Current and Pending Support form (rev 10/4/2020) (NSF provided PDF) for each individual identified as senior personnel. (iv) Certification Regarding Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR): Note: The requirement specified in Section 7009 of the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (COMPETES) Act (42 USC 1862o1), as amended, to have a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NSF to conduct research will go into effect for new proposals submitted or due on or after July 31, 2023. (f) Do not submit any personal information in the Current and Pending (Other) support. In addition to other provisions required by the proposing organization, all contracts made under the NSF award must contain the applicable provisions identified in 2 CFR 200, Appendix II. In-kind contributions include, but are not limited to, office/laboratory space, equipment, supplies, and employee or student resources. *Project/Proposal Start Date: Indicate the start date (MM/YYYY) of the project/activity as proposed/approved. No maximum funding amount has been established for such requests. If the project is to be funded through an award to an international organization or through an individual fellowship award that will support activities at an international organization, NSF will require a statement from the international organization explicitly listing the proposers name and referencing the title of the award to confirm that the activities will be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws in the international country and that the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals will be followed. NSF is responsible neither for the agreement reached nor the IP information exchanged between the institution of higher education and the industrial partner. "Control" in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions. The AOR is required to complete a certification that the institution has a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and other senior personnel who will be supported by NSF to conduct research and that such training addresses mentortraining and mentorship. In order for NSF, and its reviewers, to assess the scope of a proposed project, all organizational resources necessary for, and available to, a project must be described in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal (see Chapter II.D.2.g for further information). The information provided in support of a reasonable accommodation request is confidential and available only to designated agency staff that are responsible for providing and/or coordinating accommodation services. (i) Postdoctoral Researcher Mentoring Plan. other persistent identifier (if available); and. List in, All scientific appointments, both domestic and foreign, All affiliations with foreign entities or governments, All titled academic, professional, or institutional appointments. [6] Macintosh users also may use Helvetica and Palatino fonts. Prospective PIs are advised that they must submit a Concept Outline prior to submission of a RAISE proposal. If no such rate exists, the NSF recipient must determine the appropriate rate in collaboration with the subrecipient. See Chapter I.E for additional information on the content requirements. SciENcv will produce an NSF-compliant PDF version of the Biographical Sketch. The approval letter must affirm that an animal-use protocol covering the proposed activities has been approved and should explicitly list the organizations PHS Animal Welfare Assurance Number, the proposers name, the title and number of the NSF proposal, and the date of IACUC approval, as well as show an organizational signature. Table of Contents (automatically generated), Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan (if applicable). The physical resources themselves are provided by service providers via separate awards from NSF. Biographical Sketch; (see Chapter II,D.h(i)); Current and Pending Support (see Chapter II.D.h(ii); and. What is the anticipated longer term societal impact coming forth from the GOALI research project if successful? See also Chapter II.B. Federally negotiated indirect cost rate(s). Consultants travel costs, including subsistence, may be included. The approval letter must be provided to the cognizant NSF Program Officer before an award can be issued. [17] In training activities that involve off-site field work, costs of transportation of participants are allowable. (i) Prior to making a funding recommendation, the cognizant NSF program officer will request that an updated version of Current and Pending (Other) Support be submitted via The table includes the types of activities to be reported, where such activities must be reported in the proposal, as well as when updates are required in the proposal and award lifecycle. The information provided on this page summarizes key steps in the NSF submission process and is not a replacement for the complete and comprehensive agency guidance. If requested, the proposer must be able to justify that the proposed rate of pay is reasonable. NSF uses the information submitted in the Current and Pending Support section to assess the capacity of the individual to carry out the research as proposed, and to review any potential overlap/duplication with the proposed project. *Overall Objectives: Provide a brief statement of the overall objectives of the in-kind contribution(s). The Project Description is limited to two pages and should include information regarding the applicants specific expertise and interest in the topic area, as well as certain personal attributes that enhance the success of the Ideas Lab workshop (e.g., experience and interest in working in teams, communication skills, level of creativity, willingness to take risks). Chapter II.D.2.g must be consulted to prepare this portion of the proposal. NSF is not responsible or in any way liable for the release of such material. (iv) Each collaborative proposal that includes funding to an International Branch Campus of a U.S. IHE or to a foreign organization or foreign individual (including through use of a subaward or consultant arrangement), must check the appropriate box on the proposal cover sheet. If IACUC approval has not been obtained prior to submission, the individual should indicate Pending in the space provided for the approval date. (See Chapter XI.B.2). Each section of the proposal that is uploaded as a file should leave out page numbering unless otherwise directed within If this application is funded, Dr. Y's effort will be adjusted on R01HL567089-07 to remove the overlap. The proposal must explicitly address how the project is better suited for RAISE than for a regular NSF review process. Senior personnel must also report other foreign government sponsored or affiliated activity. (ii) The lead organization must then enter each non-lead organization(s) proposal PIN and temporary proposal ID into the lead proposal by using the "Link Collaborative Proposals" option found on the "Form Preparation" screen. Adheres to the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (known as the Common Rule as defined in HHS regulation 45CFR46). The description should be narrative in nature and must not include any quantifiable financial information. In addition to other provisions required by the proposing organization, all contracts made under the NSF award must contain the applicable provisions identified in 2 CFR 200 Appendix II. The lead organization also must provide the requisite explanation/justification in the project description. 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