Category: Fitness training and Krav Maga News

Sep 19
Fitness training and stretching: What are the real benefits?

Stretching: What is it really like, what are the real benefits? Many different forms…

Jan 14
Why is good movement execution so important while exercising?

Muscular strengthening, through physical activity, is essential for the harmonious…

Aug 24
Sports-related injuries, how to reduce the risk of injury with a regular Fitness training?

Fractures, muscle tears, tendonitis, strains, sprains… Sports injuries are the…

Aug 17
How to schedule your personal fitness training for a sporting event?

The goal of any athlete is to achieve the best possible performance on the day of a…

Jul 28
Find your English-speaking personal fitness trainer in Berlin Kreuzberg

Find the right English-speaking Personal Trainer in Berlin Kreuzberg Practicing a…

Jul 18
How do aches and pains appear after fitness training, and how can they be treated?

Doms (“Delayed onset muscle soreness”) are pains that appear progressively…

Jul 08
Hydration part 2: Drinking for performance during your fitness training

It is finally the best period of the year when we can have together, a great outdoor…

Jul 07
Hydration part 1: Drinking for performance during your fitness training

The athlete’s performance and safety depend largely on good hydration during…

Jul 03
Fitness training material: Swiss Ball

Fitness training with a Swiss ball includes many exercises but is based on a simple…

Jun 30
How to optimize your fitness training program with Interval Training?

The aim of all sports and fitness practices is to improve performance and health.…

Jun 23
Why developing single-leg strength in your fitness training is so important?

A simple question: How many sports are played with both feet in contact with the…

Jun 23
“WAY TO” 002 – SQUAT

The squat is one of the best-known movements in sports training. It is simple to set…

Jun 14
How to (re)start with your sport’s practice and fitness training?

Many people over the age of 30, who have not trained or who have been out of the sport…

Jun 08

The front plank, on the elbows or on the hands, is one of the most well-known core…

May 23
Self-Defense training: What is Krav Maga?

Krav Maga comes from Hebrew and means “contact fight”. It is an effective…

May 15
Starting or resuming fitness training: how long will it take to see the first results?

Here is a question that every beginner and experienced athlete asks themselves: How…

May 12
Women’s self-defense: Krav Maga training in Berlin

Practicing women self-defense training with Krav Maga in Berlin A specific section of…